Meeting Needs linked with FGC Resources: A Sampling (Bolded words can be put into a search engine like Google this way — “FGC clearness committees”, or "FGC outreach” for example or into the FGC search window on the website without the “FGC”) Outreach: How can we...
Youth Education Category
The Light: A Story for December
Cultures all over the world celebrate festivals of Light, often in December. This story, told in the Faith & Play style. uses symbols of Light in a simple, profound way to introduce these festivals in Quaker religious education.
Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice
Perfect for newcomers, this brief pamphlet captures the essence of unprogrammed Quaker worship, our faith and practice, and testimonies. By permission of the author, the document is downloadable at no cost. Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice Excerpt on unprogrammed...
Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions In The Religious Society Of Friends
This book is based on Michael J. Sheeran’s doctoral work in the Dept. of Politics at Princeton University. A Jesuit priest, he spent two years (1973—75) conducting interviews, reading, and observing the actual decision-making of the Quakers. Sheeran was convinced...
Spirit Rising — Young Quaker Voices
Spirit Rising celebrates, critiques, questions, and reflects on the Quaker faith experience. Writing and visual art by teenage and young adult Quakers from around the world and across the theological and cultural spectrum of the Religious Society of Friends give...
Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide, Teenagers Edition
"There is that of God in everyone," paraphrased from George Fox's revelation, electrified 17th century England and continues to speak to us today. This 14-session curriculum offers an overview of Quaker faith and practice for middle and high school students. Designed...
Let love (and welcome, inclusion, knowledge, and action) be the first motion!
In response to events and news stories, how can we parent, work with children, model activism and take care of ourselves? This article explores how to find support in the circle of people around us, whether in our families, Meeting, or the wider world of Friends....
Exploring Vocal Ministry with Young People
"How can we use experiential learning to explore with young people how Friends share Spirit-led vocal ministry as part of our communal worship? How can we provide opportunities to learn about and practice discerning the source of what we're led to share, and lifting...
Children and Youth Resources for Exploring Racism and Racial Justice
This is a growing list of resources for exploring racism and racial justice with young Friends. The document begins with queries to frame the task. The list includes websites, blogs, online articles, curricula and children's literature. Queries: How do we...
Children’s Meeting of 1663
In 1663, when all adults from Reading Friends Meeting were imprisoned for their faith, the children of the Meeting continued worship in the manner of Friends. This legend of Quaker Faith and Practice illustrates integrity, courage and non-violent resistance in the...
Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting
Three Christmas holiday traditions at Birmingham Friends Meeting (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA) are described in the attached document: 1. The Giving Tree, a service project of the Birmingham Meeting Youth Committee in collaboration with a local homeless shelter....
Plays for the Christmas Holidays
We are grateful to Nancy Pickering of Middletown Friends Meeting (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) for three plays celebrating the Christmas season This is the Stable, A simple telling of the Nativity with readings from the book by Cynthia Cotten, illustrated by Delana...
Love Thy Neighbor: Two Lessons on Welcoming Immigrants
Two lessons on journeying from the homeland and welcoming immigrants. One lesson is based on the Friends Committee on National Legislation slogan, "Love Thy Neighbor, no exceptions". The other is a Biblically inspired story of journey and welcome told in the manner of...
Integrity & Authenticity
This 11-lesson curriculum for First Day School explores four aspects of integrity: truth telling, authenticity, faithfulness/loyalty to the Truth, corporate action (our communal accountability to the Truth). For each week, there are engaging activities and/or...
The Questions We Ask: A First Day School Lesson
The Questions We Ask is a lesson for older children and young teens. Karen Greenler (Madison Meeting, WI) has created an exploration of the creation story in Genesis laid alongside the Big Bang Theory. Her approach is addressed to"Quaker skeptics," the young Friends...
The Power of Goodness
TThe Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace is a short story book with children's art from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together, the words and images capture the...
Discovering Our Faith Through Worship Sharing
This booklet offers opportunities for individual, family and all-meeting study of the foundations of the Quaker faith. It offers a way to welcome new attenders by drawing out the faith that is already within them while respecting where each is on their spiritual...
Crusigrama de Frases Cuaqueras
Find Word Puzzle of Spanish Quaker Phrases Haga clic en la imagen para descargar/ver el rompecabezas To view/download the puzzle, click the image below Para obtener respuestas, haga clic en el enlace "Archivo Relacionado" en la barra lateral For answers, click the...
Howard Thurman’s Closeness to God
This lesson plan introduces young Friends to Howard Thurman (1899-1982), African-American religious leader, writer and philosopher. Although Thurman was not a Quaker, he became a close friend of Quakers in the course of his work. His writings have been published by...
Stand Your Ground: The Life and Accomplishment of Paul Robeson
Three lessons on the life and accomplishment of Paul Robeson (1898–1976), in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Contains ideas for how to recognize and use our talents and how to gather the courage to stand up for what we, as Quakers, believe....
Meeting Tips
This booklet contains 15 brief illustrated tips to be read and shown to children and young people as they are preparing to go into Meeting for Worship. Good for Friends school teachers who are getting their students ready to go into meeting. For 4th through 8th grade...
Christmas Programs with a Twist
This curriculum is full of Christmas Plays for First Day School children, youth and adults to create for the Christmas Season. Created by Elinor Briggs of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. At Christmastime, as at other times of the year, Friends look for programs that...
Shaking Out the Truth
This curriculum explains processes of making decisions in Quaker meeting. In three lessons, students learn about meeting for business, clearness committees, and threshing sessions are described along with age-appropriate activties to increase understanding. For...
Rise Again Songbook
After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, the sequel to Rise Up Singing was published in 2015. The format of Rise Again is the same as in Rise Up Singing but the songs are all different. Rise Again expands possiblities to bring...