QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

A rich collection of useful websites with curricula and learning materials from many different yearly meetings, Quaker organizations and other educational organizations for teaching all ages. Please use the comment section below to suggest other websites that should...
Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021

Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021

Building a curriculum plan or ā€œroad mapā€ of topics and lessons for the year ahead allows you to gather inspiration, season ideas, seek out adults to teach, and present First Day plans to families. Connecting the themes of lessons from one week to the next gives your...
La Vida de Lucretia Coffin Mott ā€” Obra de teatro

La Vida de Lucretia Coffin Mott ā€” Obra de teatro

Una obra de teatro sobre la vida de Lucretia Mott (1793ā€“1880) por Thomas Leverett. Lucretia es retratada tanto de niƱa como de adulta e incluye a otras figuras histĆ³ricas: Elias Hicks, Thomas Coffin (su esposo), Lucy Stone (una activista por los derechos de las...