Quaker Process

Quaker Process

This experiential curriculum introduces high school age Friends to the Quaker process of conducting business. By experiencing and reflecting on the processes involved in committees and meeting for worship with a concern for business, young Friends explore the...
Introduction to the Life of Jesus for Quakers, inspired by Godspell

Introduction to the Life of Jesus for Quakers, inspired by Godspell

In this series of five multimedia lessons, Young Friends learn about Jesus’ life as it was told in the musical Godspell and the New Testament gospels of Matthew and Luke. Each lesson covers one part of Jesus’ story and a little bit about how it relates to...
First Day Stories

First Day Stories

First Day Stories is a collection of 12 short stories about Quaker practices and beliefs for preschool children. First Day Stories is not a high adventure book offering deep insights. Instead, it is a gentle book with quiet simple practices that present Quaker life in...
Teaching Queries to Quaker Children

Teaching Queries to Quaker Children

This curriculum with one lesson for each of the 12 queries found in the 1972 Faith and Practice manual of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Themes include: worship, ministry, care, education, outreach, social order, race relations, equality, environment, peace,...
Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools

Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools

Lessons based on 18 Dr. Seuss stories contain questions, activities, songs and related stories keyed to Quaker themes. Each of the stories can take one or two weeks. The curriculum contains an excellent resource list with related Bible or Quaker stories and songs from...