Mid-17th century England was swept by dramatic changes: sharp religious and political conflict, rising hopes, charismatic leaders and popular grassroots movements - in short, a world much like the one we live in today. Quakers were born as a faith community into this...
Peace Resources
Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!
Join us in an exciting pop-up partnership between Friends Peace Teams and the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative! We are starting a pilot project organizing Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs as a way to learn about, celebrate, and support peacemaking through "gifts...
Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting
This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...
Thy Friend, Obadiah
Obadiah, a young Quaker boy living in colonial Nantucket, is constantly followed by a sea gull. Obadiah wishes the seagul would leave him alone, but when it does leave, he yearns for its companionship. This story helps young children learn about the importance of...
El Reino Pacífico plan de estudio
Esperamos que este material sea de apoyo para el programa de educación de niños en su iglesia Amigos o reunión Cúaquera. El testimonio de paz de los Amigos, el cual es extraído naturalmente de la creencia de que hay algo de Dios en cada una de las personas, ha sido la...
Peaceable Kingdom and the Penn Treaty
This lesson explores the Edward Hicks painting, The Peaceable Kingdom (1820), beginning with a famous passage from the book of Isaiah. The focus then turns to the background of the painting depicting the treaty between William Penn and early Friends...
Love Thy Neighbor: Two Lessons on Welcoming Immigrants
Two lessons on journeying from the homeland and welcoming immigrants. One lesson is based on the Friends Committee on National Legislation slogan, "Love Thy Neighbor, no exceptions". The other is a Biblically inspired story of journey and welcome told in the manner of...
Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis
In 2016, when global warming left the entire city of La Paz without drinking water for weeks, the Friends International Bilingual Center (FIBC) seized the teachable moment to educate children about the crisis and what they could do to help. Through QREC, Friends in...
The Power of Goodness
TThe Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace is a short story book with children's art from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together, the words and images capture the...
Discovering Our Faith Through Worship Sharing
This booklet offers opportunities for individual, family and all-meeting study of the foundations of the Quaker faith. It offers a way to welcome new attenders by drawing out the faith that is already within them while respecting where each is on their spiritual...
El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman
Había un gran interés en mi mente en no ocupar mi tiempo con relación a las cosas externas, de tal manera que nada me impidiera tener la fiel atención a la voz del Pastor Verdadero. —El diario de John Woolman, 1743, p.18 Este currículo es el resultado de una...
La Vida de Lucretia Coffin Mott — Obra de teatro
Una obra de teatro sobre la vida de Lucretia Mott (1793–1880) por Thomas Leverett. Lucretia es retratada tanto de niña como de adulta e incluye a otras figuras históricas: Elias Hicks, Thomas Coffin (su esposo), Lucy Stone (una activista por los derechos de las...
Howard Thurman’s Closeness to God
This lesson plan introduces young Friends to Howard Thurman (1899-1982), African-American religious leader, writer and philosopher. Although Thurman was not a Quaker, he became a close friend of Quakers in the course of his work. His writings have been published by...
Quaker Affirmation: A Course of Study for Young Friends
"A curriculum envisioned, created, and developed as a way to guide and educate young Friends in their Quaker faith, similar to Confirmation Classes or Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies found in other faiths. For any Quaker Meeting or Church, the program is designed for middle...
Peace Notes to Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un
In this lesson plan, children reflect on peace, what happens when two leaders exchange mean-spirited words, and how they can promote peace by writing simple Peace Notes to President Donald Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un. Witnessing for peace in this manner:...
Quaker Parenting Initiative
The Quaker Parenting Initiative seeks to nurture parents on their spiritual journey as they strive to integrate principles of human development with their Quaker faith while living with and guiding their children. This website offers a rich array of resources for...
Paths to Quaker Parenting Using Quaker Beliefs, Testimonies, and Practices
Is there a distinctly Quaker way of child rearing? What in Quakerism speaks to how we guide and nurture our children and ourselves as parents? Paths to Quaker Parenting, is the outcome of a group of Quaker parents and grandparents who met for three years to share...
The Peaceable Kingdom: A curriculum for kindergarten through adults
This 2003 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting curriculum explores the peace testimony in three lessons. It is adapted from Blessed are the Peacemakers, an older PYM curriculum. The packet includes activities for teachers in First-day schools to use in creating lessons for...
First Day Stories
First Day Stories is a collection of 12 short stories about Quaker practices and beliefs for preschool children. First Day Stories is not a high adventure book offering deep insights. Instead, it is a gentle book with quiet simple practices that present Quaker life in...
Teaching Queries to Quaker Children
This curriculum with one lesson for each of the 12 queries found in the 1972 Faith and Practice manual of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Themes include: worship, ministry, care, education, outreach, social order, race relations, equality, environment, peace,...
Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools
Lessons based on 18 Dr. Seuss stories contain questions, activities, songs and related stories keyed to Quaker themes. Each of the stories can take one or two weeks. The curriculum contains an excellent resource list with related Bible or Quaker stories and songs from...
Faith & Play Quaker Stories
FAITH & PLAY™ is a Montessori-inspired curriculum to help children find words and images for expressing the experiences of holy mystery and wonder. Play is children's practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving from Faith and Practice. Faith & Play...
Top 10 Reasons I am a Quaker: QuakerSpeak video
Quaker Pastor Gregg Koskela came to Friends as a young adult, from various Evangelical Christian denominations. In this video he articulates the top 10 things that attracted him to Quakerism.
Let’s Explore the Quaker Way
This colorful little booklet helps young children explore the Quaker values of truth, peace, simplicity and equality. Set in a delightful garden, three children explore how important these values are. Aimed at 3 to 8 year olds, though appealing to all ages, this is a...