Is there a distinctly Quaker way of child rearing? What in Quakerism speaks to how we guide and nurture our children and ourselves as parents? Paths to Quaker Parenting, is the outcome of a group of Quaker parents and grandparents who met for three years to share...
Stewardship Resources
First Day Stories
First Day Stories is a collection of 12 short stories about Quaker practices and beliefs for preschool children. First Day Stories is not a high adventure book offering deep insights. Instead, it is a gentle book with quiet simple practices that present Quaker life in...
Teaching Queries to Quaker Children
This curriculum with one lesson for each of the 12 queries found in the 1972 Faith and Practice manual of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Themes include: worship, ministry, care, education, outreach, social order, race relations, equality, environment, peace,...
Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools
Lessons based on 18 Dr. Seuss stories contain questions, activities, songs and related stories keyed to Quaker themes. Each of the stories can take one or two weeks. The curriculum contains an excellent resource list with related Bible or Quaker stories and songs from...
Faith & Play Quaker Stories
FAITH & PLAY™ is a Montessori-inspired curriculum to help children find words and images for expressing the experiences of holy mystery and wonder. Play is children's practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving from Faith and Practice. Faith & Play...