Youth is a time of intense inquiry into identity, gifts and one’s place in the world. Yet all too often, just as young Friends become truly ready for critical thinking and engagement in society, their participation in Quaker community wanes.

Join this online conversation to explore how the Quaker religious educators can support faith formation in youth ages 12-18, how to offer vibrant, relevant opportunities to young Friends, and how to welcome them into the meeting community as full and valued members. We will explore Quaker youth ministry; what is working well now, what has worked well in the past, and growing edges in light of emerging trends.

Registration is required:

Tuesday, May 14, 1:00 pm ET: Register HERE

Thursday, May 16, 8:00 pm ET: Register HERE


May 14: Sita Diehl, Madison Friends Meeting, NYM

May 16: Marsha Holliday, Friends Meeting of Washington, BYM


  • How can Friends meetings help young Friends explore identity, gifts and leadings?
  • How can we offer relevant opportunities for young Friends to engage in monthly and yearly meetings?
  • What Quaker Youth RE resources are effective?
  • What long-standing Quaker practices truly engage youth? Is updating needed?
  • Where are the growing edges in Quaker youth ministry?


Quaker Affirmation: A Course of Study for Young Friends, Indianapolis, First Friends Meeting,

Quaker Process: How Quakers Conduct Business, a curriculum for high school/upper school students

Introduction to the Life of Jesus inspired by the musical Godspell, Friends Media Project,

QuakerSpeak: Videos on Quakerism, produced by John Watts for Friends Journal: Great conversation starters for youth