Faith at Home

Love at the Heart of It All

A vision of beloved community

Active Caring

Helping & responding to nudges

Spiritual Practices

Opening ourselves to divine love


Weaving faith into life

Quaker Family Culture

Stories from Quaker homes

Finding the Light

Nurturing gifts, affirmations

Let Love FlowHome is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life. It’s happening all the time, often below our conscious awareness. As adults pay attention to task lists, carpool schedules, and homework, our priorities, values, and deep convictions about life, Love and Truth are on full display. We are always modeling for our children how we decide on a course of action and how we understand our place in the world and the responsibility we feel for others.

This section of the QREC website is an invitation to be more intentional and present to these moments. We offer practical jumping off points and resources to help us open ourselves and our children to God and faithful living through worship and service, the Bible, stories from Quaker lives, queries, and creative expression. Along the spiritual path, we have both human and divine accompaniment that invites us into relationship and deeper communion.

A Quaker family’s faith adventure is not another separate task to heap onto our over-busy lives! Rather, it’s an approach, rooted in Spirit, that we bring to what we are already doing. We begin to look at life through a Quaker lens and see the same landscape in new ways. Quaker faith formation can actually return energy to us by focusing our lives on what matters most and freeing us to let go of less important concerns.

Enjoy the offerings that follow. Come with a playful, open heart. Explore what resonates now. Might you have practices and wisdom to add from your home? What additional resources would be useful in your home? Let us know!

Family Reading Together

Love at the Heart of It All

When we make Love our primary focus, everything else falls into place. We can acknowledge injustice and malice but not become immobilized by fear or lost in the struggle against hate and oppression. Love points the way to faithful action, gives us a robust hope, draws us into like-hearted community, and opens us to a guidance and power beyond ourselves. For Friends, a world organized by Love isn’t a utopian vision or a theoretical construct. It is a lived reality into which we are invited as citizens and co-creators, together, every day.

Three Steps to Begin the Quaker Family Faith Journey

  • Let the love flow in your family. Affirming the inherent worth and goodness of our children is Job #1. When they are surrounded by Love, children are ready to encounter a loving God. Adults need to remember, we are already loved by Spirit, too!
  • Stop, Notice, and Reflect. This is one of the most important habits we can develop in our Quaker families. Where can we see Love changing lives? Where can we add more Love or Justice to a situation?
  • Stay alert for feelings every step of the way. Do we sense an inner “nudge” to bring more kindness and justice to life? What does clearness feel like? What does gratitude feel like? Make space in busy times to wonder together and give voice to what we sense in our hearts.

The adventure of a lifetime awaits! The faith we have right now is enough to begin. Our Quaker faith will deepen and take on fuller Life as we listen for and follow the guidance of Spirit in daily life. The Quaker faith adventure goes forward in multi-faith homes, too!

Love at the Heart of It All Resources

Nurturing Children’s Spirituality

Welcoming Quaker Children into Prayer and Worship

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Children’s Spiritual Lives

Nurturing Children's Lives img

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Imagining a World of Love

Creating a Prayer Corner at Home

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Active Caring

Acts of caring, witness, and service are vital parts of the faith formation process. What we do actually changes us inwardly. With every small act of caring, we reinforce the deep truth of our interrelationship as members of the human family. Over time, we can intentionally expand the perimeter of kindness of our families. We can help children develop the ability to shift their focus to ever-widening circles—from self to family to neighborhood to region to world. Let’s accompany children as they spiritually grow by naming and lifting up even small acts of compassion and tenderness.

Active Caring Resources

Active Caring

Active Caring image

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A Ministry of Presence

Ministry of Presence image

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Expanding the Circle of Concern

Expanding Your Child's Circle of Concern

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Kid Sidewalk Chalk

Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices are one important way we make space for Spirit in our daily lives. They can be as short as a momentary interlude of gratitude or as long as a service project. They are the avenue by which we can lay claim to Friends’ conviction that the Presence is available to anyone of any age—that God is near at hand. As we engage with spiritual practices, we strengthen our spiritual muscles. Our practices become more potent as our intention becomes more grounded and focused and our repetition more consistent.

Spiritual Practice Resources

Welcoming Children into Prayer

Welcoming Quaker Children into Prayer and Worship

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Making Prayer Part of Daily Life

Making Prayer a Part of our Daily Lives

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Creating a Prayer Corner

Creating a Prayer Corner at Home

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Praying in Color

Praying in Color

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A Body Prayer to Try at Home

A Body Prayer to Try at Home

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Worship Sharing with Children

Worship Sharing with Children

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A Forgiveness Practice

A Forgiveness Practice

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A Gratitude Practice

A Gratitude Practice

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Being Present

Being Present Spiritual Practice

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Discernment helps us get clear on how to embody and enact Divine Love in daily life. It applies to big decisions like choice of a vocation and small decisions like how to respond to mean-spirited behavior at school. Spiritual practices open us to God’s presence. Discernment helps us to know what to do with what we find there. A lot of faith formation happens as we process and bring a prayerful grounding to these conversations with our children or grandchildren. Trust the process; give it time. Uncertainty is a normal part of life. Invite the Light into places of unclarity. Remember, before you are clear, you are unclear.

Discernment Resources

Speaking Up Against Bigotry

Six Tips for Speaking Up Against Everyday Bigotry

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Prayer Changes Us

Prayer Changes Us

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Queries for Families

Queries on Discernment image

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Talking with Children & Youth about the Presidential Election 2024

Talking with Children & Youth about the Presidential Election 2024

The intensity of the 2024 election cycle is an experience both for adults and for the children and youth in our families and communities. Depending on their age, preschoolers to teens may be aware of the anxiety in the adults around them — and experiencing their own anxiety about the outcome of the election in November. This article shares resources and support for adults caring for children and youth.

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Circle of Wooden People

Quaker Family Culture

Quaker families live in the same reality as everyone else—the same challenges, same distractions, same pressures. How we interpret those situations and respond to them is what can set Quaker families apart. The more we weave Quaker faith and practice into daily life, the more a distinctly Quaker Family Culture takes shape. Albeit with endless variation family to family, there are hallmarks around spiritually-grounding elements and relationship styles that are distinctive. Explore how to create this Quaker Family Culture; celebrate touchstones of Quaker life from other Friendly families.

Quaker Family Culture Resources

Queries for Children & Parents

Queries for Children & Parents

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Queries for Teens & Parents

Queries for Teens & Parents

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Quaker Family Film Nights

Quaker Film Nights

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Storrs Meeting at the Movies

Storrs (CT) Friends Meeting at the Movies

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Articles of Faith

Articles of Faith

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Jesse’s Coming of Age Story

Jesse's Coming of Age

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Do Our Children Know Enough About Quakerism to Play Quaker? Dover Meeting Dollhouse

Do Our Children Know Enough About Quakerism to Play Quaker? Dover Meeting Dollhouse

Children learn through play. They play school, they play house, they even play COVID, giving everyone shots. Do our children know enough about being Quaker to play Quaker? Children are fully spiritual beings. Meeting life needs to be as open and comprehensible to them...

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Finding the Light

A key part of our work as spiritual nurturers is recognizing and celebrating that of God within our children and grandchildren. It’s present and living even on days of bumpy behavior and times veiled in clouds of struggle and disappointment. Love abides; we need to abide, too. The spark of divinity manifests with an endless array of particular gifts and aptitudes. Make it a part of your Quaker Family Culture to affirm the Love anytime you see it at work in your child. Keep a watchful eye for joy and passion that may signal the beginnings of a leading. Name the parts of the Quaker journey establishing a shared language for exploring the inner landscape.

Finding the Light Resources


Welcoming Quaker Children into Prayer and Worship

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Quaker Affirmations

Quaker Affirmations

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Children’s Spirituality

Children's Spirituality

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