Are you a writer or editor?‚Ä®
Are you a Quaker religious educator?
Could you help create a resource to share what you know?

We‚Äôre seeking Friends who are interested in developing, writing, or editing concise articles on topics useful to Quaker religious educators. These articles, once written or compiled, will be sent to subscribing Friends by email. The vision is for a system that is essentially automated and self-contained, which cycles back to the beginning after covering all of the topics and which requires little more maintenance than the occasional update. This project will be the work of individual Friends, with the additional support of the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative. 

We’ll be creating pieces on around fifty different topics, each of which falls into one of the following broad categories:

  • ‚úµ  Exploring Quaker history, faith, and practices with various age groups;

  • ‚úµ  Cognitive and spiritual development, from infant through adult;

  • ‚úµ  Inclusion of various age groups in the context of the broader meeting community;

  • ‚úµ  Practical, social, and safety considerations of intergenerational community;

  • ‚úµ  And engaging with different types of learners, including those with special needs.‚Ä®

  1. For more information, or to volunteer to help, see flyer and contact Emily Provance (NYYM) at