Quaker Summer Sleep-Away Opportunities for Kids

Most Friends Camps are affordable and provide a range of activities. Many have subsidies for low-income and members of Friends meetings.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camps

For families who seek over-night Friends summer camp for 6, 7, and 8 year-olds.  Five Friends’ camps (on the US East Coast) fill the need.  Registration for some begin in early December and camps can fill up in hours.

Those camps include

Farm and Wilderness has 6 overnight camps, Vermont

Two Camps devoted to the Performing Arts

More camps that are non-profits, or connected to Yearly Meetings

Friends Camps with a Christian emphasis and some with connections to Yearly Meetings

Camps owned by individual Friends that are grounded in Quaker testimonies of radical equality and practices of listening, sharing, connection, and service.

Other Opportunities for kids of ALL ages:

  • Friend General Conference. Provides an annual 6 night gathering for more than 1000 Friends off all age groups around the 1st week of July. http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering
  • Many residential Yearly Meeting Gatherings are fabulous places for kids to attend.
  • Some Yearly Meetings have quarterly High School and Middle School conferences.
  • Many Friends Schools host summer day camps.
  • Three Camps have a farm focus: Celo, Journey‚Äôs End Farm, and Tamarack Farm.
  • Many Friends camps also have family camps, and work camps.

If you have comments are corrections, please direct them to michaelabeer@yahoo.com


Playing in the Light Training

April 20 to 22, 2018 – Playing in the Light – Powell House in Old Chatham, NY 
Inviting Friends in NYYM and NEYM and beyond! Hosted by New York Yearly Meeting and Faith & Play.
A rich weekend of storytelling where we’ll explore Bible and Quaker Stories and practice learning and telling stories to the group. The weekend serves as both a training and a time of spiritual retreat and nourishment for teachers.


Infusing Racial Justice into Our Quaker Spiritual Formation and Religious Education

Facilitated by Lisa Graustein 

Now an online videoconference using Zoom! Saturday, April 28, 2018 11:00am-12:00pm ED

Join us at the cutting edge of Quaker Religious Education ‚ô¶ Use this flyer to SPREAD THE WORD about this opportunity for learning! 

More info


Tired of feeling outraged?
Check out these two online courses, facilitated by Eileen Flanagan, which have helped hundreds of people become more effective agents for change.

Building a Nonviolent Direct Action Campaign is an online course designed to help people who feel called to adopt bolder tactics during
these tumultuous times, but who need help knowing how. Course begins Monday, May 7 and meets from 7:00 until 9:00pm for four Mondays.
Learn more at http://eileenflanagan.com/building-a-campaign/

We Were Made for this Moment is designed to help people who feel called to work for a more just, sustainable, and loving world to do so in
ways that are both strategic and spiritually grounded. This course looks at a variety of ways of making change to help you identify how to best use your
gifts. Course begins Wednesday, May 16 12-1:30 pm and runs four weeks.

Learn more at http://eileenflanagan.com/we-were-made-for-this-moment/