The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) was formed in August 2014 when thirty-four Friends from seven yearly meetings met at the Pendle Hill Conference and Retreat Center in Pennsylvania to form a community of practice. During that seminal meeting we share our passion for the work, exploring how to cultivate religious education (RE) programs and faith formation within the Society of Friends.
Those gathered confirmed:
· Quaker religious education seeks to lead Friends to their Inner Teacher
· Each Quaker meeting grows in its own way
· Our work must be theologically and geographically inclusive
· Meetings need families, and families need religious education
· Religious education is for Friends of all ages.
· From infant to elder, all of us are teachers and all of us are learners.
The flame ignited at that gathering has blossomed to a cross-branch, international community of Quaker religious educators. QREC convenes yearly conferences and retreats where a growing number of Friends religious educators come together to worship, learn, share and connect. We meet in various locations to encourage participation across geographic regions.
QREC began hosting online Conversation Circles in 2015, providing a forum for RE Friends to discuss why and how we do this work. Our online newsletter, QREC Connections, highlights educational resources and opportunities to strengthen Friends RE programs. Our Facebook page invites the QREC community of practice to share RE resources, events and insights.
Launched in 2018, the redesigned QREC website hosts a collaborative, searchable, online library of religious education materials such as books, curricula, videos, etc. Friends who use the materials are invited to share their experience. The website serves as a portal and an archive for events such as the annual QREC retreat, online Conversation Circles, parenting workshops, and teacher training opportunities.
Because QREC thrives on the wisdom and experience of our community of practice, you are invited to join in the work by:
· Posting materials to the Resource Library
· Joining a Conversation Circle
· Becoming a member of QREC
· Making a financial contribution toward our work
· Participating in the next annual Conference and Retreat. (Next Conference and Retreat will take place 14-16 August 2020 in Hickory, NC. More information coming soon on this website.)