Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes

This picture-book version of the Biblical parable of the loaves and fishes tells the story from the perspective of the young boy who offers up his simple lunch of rye bread loaves and fish he’d caught at his quiet fishing spot to Jesus, who uses them to feed the...
Thy Friend, Obadiah

Thy Friend, Obadiah

Obadiah, a young Quaker boy living in colonial Nantucket, is constantly followed by a sea gull. Obadiah wishes the seagul would leave him alone, but when it does leave, he yearns for its companionship. This story helps young children learnĀ aboutĀ the importance of...
Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Developed for Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this 20 minute video training, quiz and set of queries serves as a brief introduction to procedures for protecting children from abuse or neglect while participating in an FGC program. The website includes...
QREC Videos: Welcoming children and families into Quaker meeting

QREC Videos: Welcoming children and families into Quaker meeting

A series of six videos to help Quaker monthly meetings and worship groups welcome children and families. Recorded by Melinda Wenner Bradley in the Fall 2015. Rachel Guaraldi was the Videographer. An IntroductionThe Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an...
What Does It Mean to Be Present?

What Does It Mean to Be Present?

This book exploring practical ways to be present could be used as part of a lesson on mindfulnessĀ and how we prepare for worship. The illustrations are lovely. Melinda Wenner Bradley has created the attached children’s religious education lesson plan,...