This picture-book version of the Biblical parable of the loaves and fishes tells the story from the perspective of the young boy who offers up his simple lunch of rye bread loaves and fish he’d caught at his quiet fishing spot to Jesus, who uses them to feed the crowds who had followed Jesus to that quiet spot. The story ends with Jesus finally being able to escape the crowds and get some peace and quiet.
I read the story to our younger kids (ages 3-7) and they paid attention despite it not being the most dynamic story. We talked about being hungry and how it feels to get something good to eat, and about sharing. Our local Crop Walk to end hunger was the following week, and we talked about the reasons people from our meeting walk every year to try to help hungry people in our community. Then we went downstairs to the meeting house kitchen and rolled out and griddled flatbread dough and served them along with a fish spread at refreshments after rise of meeting. We made a fun, floury mess and everyone loved eating the warm bread.
Author: Helen Rayburn Caswell
Illustrator: Helen Rayburn Caswell
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Age Group: 4 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, 9 to 12 years, Nursery, preschool
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Topics: Bible, Sharing, Social Justice, Thanksgiving