Integrity & Authenticity

Integrity & Authenticity

This 11-lesson curriculum for First Day School explores four aspects of integrity: truth telling, authenticity, faithfulness/loyalty to the Truth, corporate action (our communal accountability to the Truth). For each week, there are engaging activities and/or...
Reverse Advent for Friends

Reverse Advent for Friends

Reverse Advent: For Families and RE Programs, An Activity to Teach the Spiritual Discipline of Reaching Out In December, young people and their families have an opportunity to connect a story of the season with service to a local food cupboard or shelter. While...
Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson

Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson

A lesson on being present and how we bring our whole selves to waiting worship in the meeting. Download/view lesson plan here. An IntroductionThe Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a...
Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis

Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis

In 2016, when global warming left the entire city of La Paz without drinking water for weeks, the Friends International Bilingual Center (FIBC) seized the teachable moment to educate children about the crisis and what they could do to help. Through QREC, Friends in...
Quakers Engaging with Schools: Outreach with children and young people

Quakers Engaging with Schools: Outreach with children and young people

“A core aspect of most Religious Education (RE) curriculums involves finding out about faith communities and religious buildings. As a result, local schools often want to visit Quaker meeting houses to find out about our worship, our history and our way of life,...