Quaker Meeting and Me

Quaker Meeting and Me

Este pequeño y atractivo folleto ayuda a los niños a encontrar su camino hacia la reunión cuáquera para la adoración. Con colores intensos y relajantes, el folleto utiliza imágenes de un jardín para ilustrar los diferentes aspectos del culto cuáquero. Una solapa en la...
Finding the Light in You: Bright Silent Worship with Young Friends

Finding the Light in You: Bright Silent Worship with Young Friends

Finding the Light In You: Bright Silent Worship with Young Friends supportively guides the process of nurturing children’s silent worship skills. Guided imagery, richly illustrated with color photos, provides a bridge from abstract adult silent worship to...
Busy Box

Busy Box

A Busy Box can be kept on hand should children arrive at a small meeting with no formal religious education program.  For Meetings with an RE program, the Busy Box is useful to help young Friends quietly join Meeting for Worship before or after the lesson. Friendly...
Family Worship Pamphlet

Family Worship Pamphlet

What a challenge our form of worship is for children! Even if you just consider the visuals — “still forms on every side” — it looks like a room full of adults either falling asleep or being punished with a time out. How can we help our children feel the...
The Gardener

The Gardener

Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the big gray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, a cantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation, bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles to customers’ faces with...