Centering Tools: Mandalas

Centering Tools: Mandalas

“It all starts with stopping,” says author Beth Collea, as she describes how the practice of coloring mandalas helps young children settle. Links are provided to websites with free, printable mandalas from the simple to the intricate.  This tool is useful...
Lucky Beans

Lucky Beans

Lesson plan for the home with a book and activities. 1930’s Great Depression is the setting of a boy’s ingenuity in helping his family. Like so many people during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Marshall Loman’s dad has lost his job. There’s...
Child Safety for Virtual Youth Programs, New England Yearly Meeting

Child Safety for Virtual Youth Programs, New England Yearly Meeting

New England Yearly Meeting’s (NEYM) Child Safety Policy applies to all youth programming, including programs provided virtually. The following are specific to the use of Zoom or worth highlighting: Youth Programs Zoom meeting links will be shared with...
My Mandala: What is Your Spiritual Journey?

My Mandala: What is Your Spiritual Journey?

This experiential curriculum uses mandalas to help children learn about their past and current connection to the Divine and to their faith community. Can be taught in one or more lessons.  From the author… “In 2017, the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Annual...
Northern Yearly Meeting Children and Youth Policy Manual

Northern Yearly Meeting Children and Youth Policy Manual

Policies and procedures for facilitating programming for children and youth in Northern Yearly Meeting.  The manual includes: NYM Children & Youth Committee member role description, Personnel policies for youth serving employees, Responsibilities for reporting...