Friends Meetings, like all faith communities, are at risk of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults. This one page explanation of the risk is a good conversation starter for Friends meetings seeking to create or strengthen safety policies. Rules of Thumb for...
Administrative Guidance Youth RE Category
Child Safety for Virtual Youth Programs, New England Yearly Meeting
New England Yearly Meeting's (NEYM) Child Safety Policy applies to all youth programming, including programs provided virtually. The following are specific to the use of Zoom or worth highlighting: Youth Programs Zoom meeting links will be shared with appropriate...
Passages: A Guide to Developing a Coming-of-Age Program
Many faiths mark the transition of young people to teenage/adult status with a special process: learning, performance or ceremony. Quakers do not have a particular tradition for doing this. Some Friends have felt a yearning to honor this transition within their...
Guidance and Practices for Online Youth Gatherings, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Meetings to hold Religious Education on virtual platforms. Even though we are not together face to face, child safety remains a concern. The following guidance for online child safety was developed by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting...