Quaker Bible Hour, Monthly Sessions, Oct. – Dec. 2020

Hosted by Peter Blood Paterson (Mt. Toby Meeting, NEYM) this is a new online Bible series, the first Sunday afternoon of each month, October – December 2020. There will be a different guest leader each month. (4pm EDT, 1pm Pacific time)
This will be an interactive opportunity to get to rub elbows with some wonderful leaders from several ‚Äúcorners‚Äù of Quakerism – and discover what Spirit is saying to us in this moment as we reflect on some passages together. 
Learn More and Register: http://bhfh.org/bible-series
Sunday, Oct 4 – Carl Magruder (Pacific YM)
Sunday, Nov 1 – Adria Gulizia (New York YM)
Sunday, Dec 6 – Colin Saxton (North Valley Friends Church, Newberg OR)

Other Quaker religious education events:
(updated on an irregular basis, if you don’t see yours, please use the “comment” function at the bottom of the page to post it.) 

Quaker Summer Sleep-Away Opportunities for Kids

Most Friends Camps are affordable and provide a range of activities. Many have subsidies for low-income and members of Friends meetings.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camps

For families who seek over-night Friends summer camp for 6, 7, and 8 year-olds.  Five Friends’ camps (on the US East Coast) fill the need.  Registration for some begin in early December and camps can fill up in hours.

Those camps include

Farm and Wilderness has 6 overnight camps, Vermont

Two Camps devoted to the Performing Arts

More camps that are non-profits, or connected to Yearly Meetings

Friends Camps with a Christian emphasis and some with connections to Yearly Meetings

Camps owned by individual Friends that are grounded in Quaker testimonies of radical equality and practices of listening, sharing, connection, and service.

Other Opportunities for kids of ALL ages:

  • Friend General Conference. Provides an annual 6 night gathering for more than 1000 Friends off all age groups around the 1st week of July. http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering
  • Many residential Yearly Meeting Gatherings are fabulous places for kids to attend.
  • Some Yearly Meetings have quarterly High School and Middle School conferences.
  • Many Friends Schools host summer day camps.
  • Three Camps have a farm focus: Celo, Journey‚Äôs End Farm, and Tamarack Farm.
  • Many Friends camps also have family camps, and work camps.

If you have comments are corrections, please direct them to michaelabeer@yahoo.com



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