Say Something book feature

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Say Something takes us on the short but significant journey from being a silent bystander to an engaged community member with small, simple acts of inclusion like acknowledging a new student in a class or sitting next to someone on the bus. Bullying and teasing can be easy to overlook when you are not the target. Everything changes when the mean-spirited jokes come at your expense! Our main character learns it’s not enough to feel sorry for the marginalized person or steer clear of the bullying. You must say something! One person can make a difference and any of us can be that person! When we model courage and respect for each person, we give permission to others to live out their highest values and be their best selves. That’s one way the world changes!

Author: Peggy Moss

Illustrator: Lea Lyon

Publisher: Tilbury House, Publishers

Age Group: 6 to 8 years, 9 to 12 years

Preparation Time

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