As Friends, we share the understanding that we each, regardless of our age, have within us the capacity for connection to the Divine. The capacity is there regardless of our intent to nurture it. But our ability to nurture it is what then supports and encourages us to live from the Center, to let our lives speak, to experience ourselves as children of God.
Adults who have the care of children, including parents, teachers, friends and Meeting communities which serve as the spiritual home for children, have a particular responsibility for teaching children how to access their capacity for connection. Adults need to shape the external lives of our children and nurture their internal lives. This pamphlet offers ideas and suggestions for adults to teach children the practice of worship, both in Meeting for Worship and in their daily lives.
Author: Christie Duncan-Tessmer
Publisher: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Age Group: Adults
Preparation Time: 0.00
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Topics: Centering, Quaker Faith & Practice, With Children, With Small Children, With Teens, With Toddlers