As Quakers have you ever wondered: How your Quaker faith can give support and guidance to your parenting? How your parenting is part of your spiritual journey? What guidance does Quakerism give to knowing how to deal with behavior challenges, from toddlers to teens?
The Quaker Parenting Initiative, with support from the New England and New York Yearly Meetings, is offering an opportunity to explore these questions. Using a virtual conferencing platform, parents and household caregivers of children 0-18 can sit at home in the evening after kids are tucked into bed and explore with others Quakerism and its meaning in their lives with their children.
When: Two 5-week series will meet beginning the third week of April. One April 16 – May 14; te second, April 18 – May 16. Groups will convene at 7:30 pm eastern time.
Content: During the first sessions we present the queries and how parents use them. The topics of each session and the discussions build on what was covered earlier. Attending each session, though not required, best supports both the group sharing and the individual’s understanding.
Cost: $50 per family for the five week series to be paid to the facilitator of the group.
Learn more or enroll: Contact Harriet Heath, Coordinator of the Quaker Parenting Initiative 413-238-6568