QREC 2021 Conference — Hearing God’s Call:

Lessons Learned and Leadings that Light the Way

Joyfully, we gathered online to worship, learn from each other and envision the way forward for Quaker religious education and faith formation.  Recordings, slides and handouts are posted below, with more coming.  Please share your comments to help us plan future events.


  • Sharing Our Experience of Experiment with Light, Durham (NC) Friends, Materials
  • Nurturing Strong Roots of Quaker Faith in Our TeensOscar Lugusa Malande, Friends Theological College, Kaimosi, Kenya
  • Creativity and Design of Resources for Teen Sunday Classes—Rossio Stephanie Quispe Humerez, and Sinai Delina Quispe Turpo
  • Building Intergenerational Community: A discussion about welcoming Children and Families to Meeting for Worship, Karin Heller, New Garden Friends, Materials
  • How We Work with Teens in Local Meetings and Friends ChurchesAndrew Wright, Luiza Adera Chahia, Karen Greenler, Notes
  • Africa Quaker Archives Oral History ProjectJudith Nandikove and Marian Baker, Spanish interpretation, Materials
  • Lesson Writing, Using Beloved Stories to Nurture Roots of FaithAnne Collins
  • The Bible as a Doorway to Hearing God’s VoicePeter Blood Patterson, Materials

Preparation, Formation and Belonging: New growth from RE Roots, Melinda Wenner Bradley Recording and Materials

Meeting for Worship Message

Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of BusinessMaterials and Recording


Best Practices for Hybrid Worship, David Coletta, Tech Ministries,  Materials and Recording 

Conversation Circles: Building Community Across Distances, QREC Conversation Working Circle, Materials and Recording

Discerning Call in the Storms of Life, Jay Marshall, Materials and Recording

Discerniendo el llamado en las tormentas de la vida, Jay Marshall, Materials and Recording