QREC 2022 Annual Conference

August 12-14, 2022 

In-person and online

Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, NC

Finding Our Footing on the Path Ahead

Come explore how to:

  • Strengthen and revitalize your local community of practice

  • Make your lessons more experiential and interactive

  • Engage families by weaving Quakerism into home life

  • Design intergenerational programming

  • Walk with youth as they come of age and into relationships

  • Update existing Quaker curricula for these times

Conference Highlights

PLENARY: Seeding Cultures of Peace and Justice: Quaker RE Ideas

with Nadine Hoover

  • Buffalo Monthly Meeting
  • NYYM and Friends Peace Teams

Nadine Clare Hoover is also the author of Walking in the World as a Friend: Essential Quaker Practices produced in collaboration with QREC. 

  • Worship: Semi-Programmed and Unprogrammed
  • Workshop 1: “Human Relationships and Sexuality: The Spiritual Work of Adolescence” A new curriculum by Durham (NC) Friends Meeting, Presented by Andrew Wright.
  • Workshop 2: “A Curriculum Writing Lab on Intergenerational Program Design”
  • Regathering Our Local/Regional Communities of Practice: Resources for local gatherings you can host
  • Tote Bag Café: Intentional Shop Talk with a Theme.
    • Saturday: Working with ages 3-8
    • Sunday: Don’t Throw Out Your Old Curricula—Update them!
  • Displays highlighting the work of QREC practitioners.
  • Connect with RE Practitioners:

Members of QREC Steering Circle:

Emma Condori-Mamani, Bolivia

Judith Nandikove, Kenya


COVID Guidelines

We will only assign single rooms. You may have a roommate if you specify that Friend

We each will:

  • Test within 48 hours of leaving for the conference
  • Wear masks during the conference, unless outdoors, eating, or in your room
  • Isolate onsite or leave the conference if you test positive
  • Bring an extra mask and antigen (home) COVID test

See full covid guidelines HERE

Conference Costs

Our costs are your costs! The in-person cost is $347 for a single room, $271 for a double room, commuter $133. (Single room is the default. You must specify your own roommate for a double room.) We divided our cost from the Catholic Conference Center evenly among expected participants. Ask your local meeting/Friends church and yearly meeting for support as an investment in your religious education program. Some scholarship funds are available from QREC.

If you are attending online, pay as led. Thank you for supporting the conference. 

NOTE:  The registration form is only complete after you click the SUBMIT button.  If you are paying online, you will need to return to the registration form after completing the payment form. 

Support the Conference

We are a mostly volunteer organization needing financial support from Friends and Meetings and Yearly Meetings to keep the ministry vital and strong.

Last year’s online conference cost $6,000.

Help us provide:

  • Scholarship funds

  • Travel support to the conference

  • Spanish-language interpretation

  • Stipends for phone minutes to remove the cost barrier for Friends at a distance

  • Tech Support for a Hybrid Conference

Donate online or send a check made out to QREC to: Jane Jackson, QREC Treasuer, 35 Winchester Drive, Lexington, MA 02420.

Vocational Discernment Workshops CANCELED!

QREC Pre-Conference Workshops

Vocational Discernment Program

By Jen Higgins-Newman and Greg Woods

With apologies, the workshops scheduled for Wednesday, July 27 and Thursday July 28 are canceled.  For future sessions, see:  Discernment Curriculum – Beacon Hill Friends House (bhfh.org)

Description: In an era labelled the Great Realignment, people are wondering what they are called to do and who they are called to be. How can Quaker discernment help Quakers and non-Quakers alike to answer these questions?

This workshop is for anyone thinking about a transition, college seniors/recent graduates, people feeling a calling to do something new, people in the midst of a transition and want to find helpful tools, anyone interested in offering this program at their meeting.

This work is part of Beacon Hill Friends Center (bhfh.org), a Quaker center based in Boston, MA, where Jen serves as the Program Director.