Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice

Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice

Perfect for newcomers, this brief pamphlet captures the essence of unprogrammed Quaker worship, our faith and practice, and testimonies.  By permission of the author, the document is downloadable at no cost. Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice Excerpt on unprogrammed...
Listening Spirituality, Volume II: Corporate Spiritual Practice Among Friends

Listening Spirituality, Volume II: Corporate Spiritual Practice Among Friends

“This volume examines the ways in which our communal practice in meeting and other gatherings is a spiritually formative influence on us, both as individuals and as a corporate body. Our communal practice is also an expression of the transformed life we seek to...
Listening Spirituality, Volume I: Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends.

Listening Spirituality, Volume I: Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends.

This volume of personal spiritual practices, located within the context of Quaker spirituality, formations and transformation, if the first part of a longer work on Quaker spiritual formation. An important part of the underlying vision, however, is that personal...
Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions In The Religious Society Of Friends

Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions In The Religious Society Of Friends

This book is based on Michael J. Sheeran’s doctoral work in the Dept. of Politics at Princeton University. A Jesuit priest, he spent two years (1973—75) conducting interviews, reading, and observing the actual decision-making of the Quakers. Sheeran was convinced...
Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey

Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey

Our Life is Love describes the transformational spiritual journey of the first Quakers, who turned to the Light of Christ within and allowed it to be their guide. Many Friends today use different language, but are still called to make the same journey. In our time...