This volume of personal spiritual practices, located within the context of Quaker spirituality, formations and transformation, if the first part of a longer work on Quaker spiritual formation.
An important part of the underlying vision, however, is that personal practice, corporate practice and ethics are inseparable within Quaker formation and transformation. Neither the inner life nor meeting life nor an active relationship with the rest of the world is optional. Prayer that does not issue in deeds of love becomes a form of narcissism or an aesthetic exercise. Activity that does not take time to find its source grounding in prayer, worship and divine leading becomes dry, exhausting, and exasperating–or an exercise in power. This book has grown out of seven years of teaching and leading retreats and workshops under the oversight of Bethesda (MD) Friends Meeting. The basic curriculum as a whole was intended as a spiritual formation program for Friends. Over the years, there have been numerous requests from outside Bethesda for one or another of the individual courses, either in full length or as intensive weekend work shops. —From Goodreads
Author: Patricia Loring,
Publisher: Openings Press
Age Group: 16 to 18 years, Adults, Young Adult Friends (YAFs)
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Topics: Adult Education, Centering, Clearness Committees, Community, Journaling, Mysticism, Pastoral Care, Quaker Faith & Practice, Spiritual Journeys, Testimonies, Theology, Truth and Truth-telling