World Quaker Day Website

World Quaker Day Website

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has relaunched the World Quaker Day Website to celebrate the 5th annual day of international Quaker celebration. We have updated the look and feel of the site and added more resources to help Friends plan their...
The Questions We Ask: A First Day School Lesson

The Questions We Ask: A First Day School Lesson

The Questions We Ask is a lesson for older children and young teens. Karen Greenler (Madison Meeting, WI) has created an exploration of the creation story in Genesis laid alongside the Big Bang Theory. Her approach is addressed to”Quaker skeptics,” the...
Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Developed for Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this 20 minute video training, quiz and set of queries serves as a brief introduction to procedures for protecting children from abuse or neglect while participating in an FGC program. The website includes...
Quakers Engaging with Schools: Outreach with children and young people

Quakers Engaging with Schools: Outreach with children and young people

“A core aspect of most Religious Education (RE) curriculums involves finding out about faith communities and religious buildings. As a result, local schools often want to visit Quaker meeting houses to find out about our worship, our history and our way of life,...
Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson

Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson

A lesson on being present and how we bring our whole selves to waiting worship in the meeting. Download/view lesson plan here. An IntroductionThe Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a...