Quaker Caregiving in Times of Crisis, Online Lab

Pendle Hill is offering an online lab on pastoral care in Quaker meetings, beginning the second weekend in September. Facilitator, Windy Cooler is an embraced Quaker public minister from Sandy Spring Friends in Baltimore Yearly Meeting and Pendle Hill’s 2020 Cadbury Scholar in residence. Windy is also one of the planners for QREC’s “Conversation Circle” series. She is a recent MDiv from Earlham School of Religion and is currently in a doctoral program at Lancaster Theological Seminary.

Register here: https://pendlehill.org/events/quaker-caregiving-in-times-of-crisis/

Windy entered ministry and seminary consumed by questions about Friends’ response to domestic and sexual violence in our community, slowly learning while on that quest that while there are many resources available for professional pastoral care, these resources are not always applicable to peer to peer ministers, as Friends often are. The lab is informed by Windy’s work with Friends the past several years in peer to peer models of pastoral care, especially in times of crisis, and most especially when pastoral care overlaps with prophetic witness to social injustice. You can hear a lecture by Windy given at Pendle Hill in June of this year on moving from a testimony (a story) of shame to a testimony (a plan) for mercy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzKVRChdN98&t=4293s

Windy is happy to take the time to speak one on one with anyone who is interested in how this lab might work for them and their community: WindyCooler@Gmail.com. Questions about scholarship and registration should be directed to Pendle Hill.