HabĆa un gran interĆ©s en mi mente en no ocupar mi tiempo con relaciĆ³n a las cosas externas, de tal manera que nada me impidiera tener la fiel atenciĆ³n a la voz del Pastor Verdadero. āEl diario de John Woolman, 1743, p.18
Este currĆculo es el resultado de una preocupaciĆ³n de varios Amigos del Ć”rea de los Estados Nueva Jersey y Pensilvania, acerca del cĆ³mo deberĆa presentarse la vida de John Woolman en la escuela dominical para los niƱos (pre-kinder al 8vo grado) en una forma interesante y memorable
En cinco capĆtulos ellos han capturado la esencia de la vida de este CuĆ”quero gentil quien fue guidado por el espĆritu de Dios:
- La vida temprana de John Woolman
- La obra realizada por John Woolman en contra la esclavitud
- El trabajo realizado de John Woolman a favor de los nativos norte americanos.
- John Woolman y la naturaleza
- John Woolman y la simplicidad
El currĆculo estĆ” diseƱado para ser usado durante cinco o mĆ”s dĆas consecutivos en la escuela dominical. Cada lecciĆ³n empieza con la informaciĆ³n de los antecedentes para el profesor seguida de una historia, la cual puede ser leĆda o contada; y luego, al final de cada lecciĆ³n hay una serie de preguntas para recapitular la historia o para iniciar una conversaciĆ³n grupal. Los maestros pueden escoger esas preguntas dependiendo de la edad de su clase (pre kĆnder y kĆnder: 1ro y 2do; 3ro a 5to; y 6to-8vo grado). A continuaciĆ³n, se presentan muchas actividades para ilustrar el tema de la lecciĆ³n son presentadas, con el mismo grupo de nivel de edad. Si las clases tienen grupos diversos (de kĆnder ā 8vo), hay una o dos actividades en cada lecciĆ³n que puede ser usado para este tipo de clase.
EnseƱar este currĆculo es una excelente forma de aprender acerca de este Amigo extraordinario quien podĆa convencer a otros de una manera gentil y profundamente centrada, cara a cara y uno por uno por medio de su vida ejemplar. Leer las selecciones del diario de Woolman sugeridas nos darĆ” inspirantes antecedentes de primera mano para cada lecciĆ³n. El diario de John Woolman es considerado uno de los grandes clĆ”sicos de la literatura devocional inglesa. EstĆ” incluida en los clĆ”sicos de Harvard, y es la Ćŗnica pieza de literatura americana colonial que se continĆŗa imprimiendo hoy en dĆa. La referencia de nĆŗmero de pĆ”gina en este texto son hasta 1971, ediciĆ³n Whitter; muchas otras ediciones estĆ”n disponibles. La biblioteca de la Junta Anual de Filadelfia tiene numerosas copias.
Los Amigos quienes sintieron escribir el currĆculo sobre la vida John Woolman son: Al y Su Thorpe, Miriam schaefer, Doris Pulone, y Lynn Sinclair. Martha G. Smith directora de la educaciĆ³n religiosa de la Juntas Anuales de Filadelfia, editĆ³ el currĆculo; Martha C. Haires colaborĆ³ con el diseƱo grĆ”fico e transcribiĆ³ la versiĆ³n original del currĆculo de 1994. Mary Anne Crowley trabajĆ³ en el diseƱo grĆ”fico y transcribiĆ³ esta ediciĆ³n corregida.
Descargar el plan de estudio
El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman
An Introduction
The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a stewardship for lifelong Quaker faith formation through religious education. We formed in April 2014 and now serve more than 300 Friends in our network. We actively engage and support each other across languages and continents. We gather for regional and annual conferences and offer monthly Conversation Circles via an online conferencing platform.Ā
Steering Circle
We share leadership as part of our collaborative mission, making decisions using the Quaker āsense of the meetingā process, sitting in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth. Read moreā¦
Working Circles
Our workĀ takes place in ācirclesā or small groups of Friends who labor on a common task, usually meeting by video conference due to the geographic diversity of the membership. Read moreā¦
The Resource Library
Finders Guide, a sampling of the collection
The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find principles, policies and procedures to strengthen operation of your child, youth and adult religious education programs.
Children's Education
Adult Education
African Quaker Library
Youth Education
Small Meetings
Young Adult Friends
Biblioteca QREC
Find renewal, companionship, and help for nitty gritty issues in Quaker religious education, all the while opening spaces for Spirit to work and listening together for Godās way forward.
QREC holds an annual conference and retreat. In addition we hold online Conversation Circles and post other religious education events as we learn about them.
Conversation Circles
Online conferences for Quaker religious educators to share about their work. Conversations are scheduled for two sessions per topic to encourage international participation. Ā Join the conversationā¦
Other Events
Religious education events of interest to Quakers from all parts of the world. Please let us know about upcoming online or in-person events happening in your area. See the list of upcoming eventsā¦
Love at the Heart
Spiritual Practices
Active Caring
Quaker Family Culture
Finding the Light
Faith at Home
Home is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life.
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QREC depends on all of us sharing our gifts and skills as religious educators. Here are some of the ways you can get involvedā¦
Author:Ā Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Publisher:Ā Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Age Group: 13 to 15 years, 4 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, 9 to 12 years
Preparation Time:Ā 0.00
Related File:Ā Click to view/download file
Related Link (or File):Ā Click to go to link
Topics:Ā Community, Equality, Integrity, Peace, Quaker Process, Service, Simplicity, Social Action, Spiritual Journeys, Stewardship, Testimonies, Truth, Truth and Truth-telling
An Introduction
The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a stewardship for lifelong Quaker faith formation through religious education. We formed in April 2014 and now serve more than 300 Friends in our network. We actively engage and support each other across languages and continents. We gather for regional and annual conferences and offer monthly Conversation Circles via an online conferencing platform.Ā
Steering Circle
We share leadership as part of our collaborative mission, making decisions using the Quaker āsense of the meetingā process, sitting in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth. Read moreā¦
Working Circles
Our workĀ takes place in ācirclesā or small groups of Friends who labor on a common task, usually meeting by video conference due to the geographic diversity of the membership. Read moreā¦
The Resource Library
Finders Guide, a sampling of the collection
The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find principles, policies and procedures to strengthen operation of your child, youth and adult religious education programs.
Children's Education
Adult Education
African Quaker Library
Youth Education
Small Meetings
Young Adult Friends
Biblioteca QREC
Find renewal, companionship, and help for nitty gritty issues in Quaker religious education, all the while opening spaces for Spirit to work and listening together for Godās way forward.
QREC holds an annual conference and retreat. In addition we hold online Conversation Circles and post other religious education events as we learn about them.
Conversation Circles
Online conferences for Quaker religious educators to share about their work. Conversations are scheduled for two sessions per topic to encourage international participation. Ā Join the conversationā¦
Other Events
Religious education events of interest to Quakers from all parts of the world. Please let us know about upcoming online or in-person events happening in your area. See the list of upcoming eventsā¦
Love at the Heart
Spiritual Practices
Active Caring
Quaker Family Culture
Finding the Light
Faith at Home
Home is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life.
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Get Involved
QREC depends on all of us sharing our gifts and skills as religious educators. Here are some of the ways you can get involvedā¦