Social Action Resources

Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle

Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle

Support for youth to discern conscientious objection is a vital ministry for Quaker meetings. The teen years are the best time to start documentation for a CO claim in the U.S. because Selective Service registration is required of all 18-year-old males, and perhaps females in the future. Beyond that, the peace testimony is central to Quaker identity, making education about conscientious objection paramount for Quaker teens.

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We Are the Water Protectors

We Are the Water Protectors

Inspired by the many Indigenous-led movements across North America, We Are Water Protectors issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption--a bold and lyrical picture book written by Carole Lindstrom and vibrantly illustrated by...

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Sometimes People March

Sometimes People March

Simple, direct statements are paired with watercolor illustrations to highlight some of the rallying causes for organized marches throughout the history of the United States. The text and art begin with two marches that will reemerge as metaphor later in the book: a...

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Afirmación cuáquera: un curso de estudio para jóvenes amigos

Afirmación cuáquera: un curso de estudio para jóvenes amigos

"CURRÍCULO VISTO, CREADO Y DESARROLLADO como una forma de guiar y educar a los Amigos jóvenes en su fe cuáquera, similar a las Clases de Confirmación o los estudios de Bar / Bat Mitzvá que se encuentran en otras religiones. Para cualquier reunión o iglesia cuáquera,...

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Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Make your Quaker Religious Education come alive! Weave Quaker Activists into your lesson plans bringing a fresh, contemporary voice of lived Quakerism to your Friends Meeting or Church. Use digital technology to invite the world into your classroom in the person of a...

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Bayard Rustin: Troublemaker for Justice

Bayard Rustin: Troublemaker for Justice

A biography for younger readers about one of the most influential activists of our time, who was an early advocate for African Americans and for gay rights. Bayard Rustin was a major figure in the Civil Rights movement. He was arrested on a bus 13 years before Rosa...

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Books and Music to Celebrate Earth Day

Books and Music to Celebrate Earth Day

Below is a list of some of our favorite books that are associated with Earth Day. Some books tell about people and the work that they’ve done to help the Earth. Other books share stories to appreciate our beautiful Earth. Each entry has been chosen because it has a...

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The Mediator’s Handbook

The Mediator’s Handbook

The popular Mediator's Handbook presents a time-tested, adaptable model for helping people work through conflict. Extensively revised to incorporate recent practice and thinking, the accessible manual format lays out a clear structure for new and occasional mediators,...

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Deepening Meeting Life

Deepening Meeting Life

This curriculum enables Friends to explore central tenets in the shared life of a Friends Meeting. Topics include: Quakerism as an adventure in direct, unmediated, ongoing guidance by Spirit. Exploring our faith with each other. Deepening worship — how we can...

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Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Join us in an exciting pop-up partnership between Friends Peace Teams and the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative!  We are starting a pilot project organizing Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs as a way to learn about, celebrate, and support peacemaking through "gifts...

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Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...

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New Children of the Light

New Children of the Light

Read interviews with sixteen millennial Quakers describing who they are and who they want to become.  New Children of the Light can serve as a window into the lives and minds of young people coming of age in the twenty first century. It is common to hear about the...

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Children’s Meeting of 1663

Children’s Meeting of 1663

In 1663, when all adults from Reading Friends Meeting were imprisoned for their faith, the children of the Meeting continued worship in the manner of Friends.   This legend of Quaker Faith and Practice illustrates integrity, courage and non-violent resistance in the...

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Love Thy Neighbor: Two Lessons on Welcoming Immigrants

Love Thy Neighbor: Two Lessons on Welcoming Immigrants

Two lessons on journeying from the homeland and welcoming immigrants. One lesson is based on the Friends Committee on National Legislation slogan, "Love Thy Neighbor, no exceptions". The other is a Biblically inspired story of journey and welcome told in the manner of...

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Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis

Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis

In 2016, when global warming left the entire city of La Paz without drinking water for weeks, the Friends International Bilingual Center (FIBC) seized the teachable moment to educate children about the crisis and what they could do to help. Through QREC, Friends in...

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The Power of Goodness

The Power of Goodness

TThe Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace is a short story book with children's art from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together, the words and images capture the...

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El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman

El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman

Había un gran interés en mi mente en no ocupar mi tiempo con relación a las cosas externas, de tal manera que nada me impidiera tener la fiel atención a la voz del Pastor Verdadero. —El diario de John Woolman, 1743, p.18 Este currículo es el resultado de una...

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Rise Again Songbook

Rise Again Songbook

After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, the sequel to Rise Up Singing was published in 2015. The format of Rise Again is the same as in Rise Up Singing but the songs are all different. Rise Again expands possiblities to bring...

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Rise Up Singing Songbook

Rise Up Singing Songbook

A beloved group singing songbook containing chords, lyrics and sources to 1,200 songs from a wide variety of genres from Beatles to Broadway, from Bob Dylan to traditional ballads. Rise Up Singing does NOT include notation, meaning that users must either know the...

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Quaker Affirmation: A Course of Study for Young Friends

Quaker Affirmation: A Course of Study for Young Friends

"A curriculum envisioned, created, and developed as a way to guide and educate young Friends in their Quaker faith, similar to Confirmation Classes or Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies found in other faiths. For any Quaker Meeting or Church, the program is designed for middle...

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Teen Racial Justice Curriculum

Teen Racial Justice Curriculum

The purpose of this curriculum is to help young Friends sort out the many messages they get about race, racism, and white privilege, and to support them in becoming more effective forces for racial justice and racial healing. This work is neither easy nor trivial....

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