This practical, conversational book embraces the idea that call is a natural and inevitable part of a faith perspective that views ministry as universal. Unpacking and interpreting an individual’s call at the outset is merely the first step in what becomes an...
Resources for Young Adult Friends (YAFs)
Barclay’s Apology in Modern English
The classic systematic statement of the Quaker faith, in an edition where antique and obscure words and sentence structure have been eliminated and references to people and matters of faith come alive through annotations. The nature of the church, its ministry and...
The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman
The secret of Woolman's purity of style is that his eye is single, and that conscience dictated his words. This Quaker preacher and tailor was a man of wisdom and true philosophy. These pages are filled with insight and messages for our time. A major classic of...
Journal of George Fox
George Fox’s Journal was written later in his life with the benefit of hindsight, at a time when the Religious Society of Friends was struggling for acceptance. It was later edited after his death by Thomas Ellwood, under the direction of the Second-day Morning...
A Near Sympathy: The Timeless Quaker Wisdom of John Woolman
This book is an invitation to a friendship with John Woolman, as well as an invitation to consider what John Woolman has to say to us today. Michael Birkel, professor of religion at Earlham College, acquaints readers with the spiritual disciplines and resources that...
Deepening Church Life
This curriculum enables Friends to explore central tenets in the shared life of a Friends Meeting. Topics include: Quaker faith as an adventure in direct, ongoing guidance by Christ shaping the work of the church today. Deepening worship — ways we allow Christ to...
Birth of the Friends Church
Mid-17th century England was swept by dramatic changes: sharp religious and political conflict, rising hopes, charismatic leaders and popular grassroots movements — in short, a world much like the one we live in today. Friends were born as a faith community into this...
The Dazzle of Day
The Dazzle of Day is an astonishing short novel about a generation starship. There have been plenty of books set on generation starships by everyone from Heinlein to Wolfe, but thing that makes this stand out is how astonishingly real the characters are, and how well...
Conversation Circle (Nov 2020) – Essential Quaker Practice
Walking in the World as a Friend: Essential Quaker Practice Facilitators: TUE Sita Diehl, Madison WI, NYM, QREC THU Andrew Wright, Durham FM, NCYMC WELCOMING WORSHIP & INTRO: Welcome to the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative Conversation Circle. We’re very...
Staying Engaged as a Young Adult Quaker
A QuakerSpeak Video: Young Adult Friends are often transitory and sometimes don’t return to Quakerism. So how can they stay engaged?
How Maps Change Things
A Conversation about the Maps We Choose and the World We Want I'd love to see this book in every Quaker home and Friends meeting/church library. It's a surprisingly short and utterly engaging journey from world maps to questions of social justice and it's worth it...
Walking in the World as a Friend
"What do we do that makes us Quakers?" Follow how essential Quaker practices weave together the individual, Quaker community and Spirit, creating a unique, vital and transformative dynamic. The 15 short, free videos are great discussion starters. You can purchase...
Despair, Hope and the Great Turning
Anxiety about the state of the world is common among young Friends. From the widely acclaimed Powell House Youth Program, this experiential retreat curriculum provides a safe place to voice the fear that burdens so many who seek to live with awareness and...
Beyond Consensus: Salvaging the Sense of the Meeting
The author, Barry Morely, discusses three essential components in discovering the sense of the meeting: release, long focus, and transition to light, all of which are nurtured by worship. Rich stories of life experiences, especially with adolescents, illustrate the...
Freeing the Spirit
Nominations in the Society of Friends in Theory and Practice What could be more important for any organization with a message to put across than that it should itself practice what it preaches? In this book, Roy Stephenson examines how Quakers, members of the...
The Mediator’s Handbook
The popular Mediator's Handbook presents a time-tested, adaptable model for helping people work through conflict. Extensively revised to incorporate recent practice and thinking, the accessible manual format lays out a clear structure for new and occasional mediators,...
Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice
Perfect for newcomers, this brief pamphlet captures the essence of unprogrammed Quaker worship, our faith and practice, and testimonies. By permission of the author, the document is downloadable at no cost. Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice Excerpt on unprogrammed...
Listening Spirituality, Volume II: Corporate Spiritual Practice Among Friends
"This volume examines the ways in which our communal practice in meeting and other gatherings is a spiritually formative influence on us, both as individuals and as a corporate body. Our communal practice is also an expression of the transformed life we seek to lead...
Listening Spirituality, Volume I: Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends.
This volume of personal spiritual practices, located within the context of Quaker spirituality, formations and transformation, if the first part of a longer work on Quaker spiritual formation. An important part of the underlying vision, however, is that personal...
Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions In The Religious Society Of Friends
This book is based on Michael J. Sheeran’s doctoral work in the Dept. of Politics at Princeton University. A Jesuit priest, he spent two years (1973—75) conducting interviews, reading, and observing the actual decision-making of the Quakers. Sheeran was convinced...
Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey
Our Life is Love describes the transformational spiritual journey of the first Quakers, who turned to the Light of Christ within and allowed it to be their guide. Many Friends today use different language, but are still called to make the same journey. In our time...
A Testament of Devotion
Since its first publication in 1941, A Testament of Devotion has been universally embraced as a truly enduring spiritual classic. Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to...
Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition
This is a meaty and inviting introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life. The detailed examination of discernment about when to speak in meeting and other leadings is worth the cover price. His chapter entitled 'The Facing Bench' lifts up well selected...
A Guide to Faithfulness Groups
This book explains what faithfulness is and how it can be cultivated by a community that practices ways to listen inwardly together for divine guidance. Above all, this book is a guide to faithfulness groups, a practice that holds great potential for supporting...