Newborn held feature

By Melinda Wenner Bradley

When a new baby or child arrives in our lives, into our care, we learn to assess their needs: What does my crying child need? Is the baby hungry? Does she need to be fed? Is his diaper wet? What does my child need to help them fall asleep? We learn how to feed, change, bath and soothe a child. And at times we find ourselves overriding a child’s wants to meet these needs: You need to take a bath. You need to get to bed. Do you need a hug?

And yet, where our children’s spiritual lives are concerned, parents and caregivers are sometimes uncertain of both the needs and our role in nurturing their young lives. As we continue to explore and grow in our own spiritual lives, this is a place to start – for we are called to be on this journey with them, walking beside them on our own spiritual path and modeling participation as much as guidance. We might consider what tools our Quaker faith offers us in this aspect of our parenting? How might queries be a resource for parents to use when approaching behavior and needs of their children? How do Friends testimonies help to guide and affirm our choices and decisions for our family? How do these foundational practices and beliefs of our faith tradition support our nurture of children’s spiritual lives?

PDF Icon Download Nurturing Children’s Spiritual Lives in printable booklet format here.

Author: Melinda Wenner Bradley


Publisher: QREC

Age Group: Nursery, preschool

Preparation Time

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TopicsBabies, welcoming, Children's Spirituality, Home, Home Religious Education, Parenting