Top 10 List for New First Day School Teachers

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What do you think is most important for a new teacher to know? This query was given to gifted and seasoned First Day School teachers in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Their responses were remarkably similar. They range from the practical (Make sure you have all of your materials ready on hand) to the reflective (Think of it less as First Day School and more as a programmed Meeting for Worship). They also focus on both the experience of the children and the teacher. The most striking theme is that expertise in teaching children is NOT the primary characteristic of a good teacher. What is required is a community of Friends who are on a spiritual path and willing to share the journey with others while having fun.

Author: Christie Duncan-Tessmer


Publisher: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Age Group: Adults

Preparation Time0.00

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TopicsFirst Day School Programs, Ideas and Techniques, Multiple Age-Group Classrooms, Teacher Training