The intensity of the 2024 election cycle is an experience both for adults and for the children and youth in our families and communities. Depending on their age, preschoolers to teens may be aware of the anxiety in the adults around them — and experiencing their own anxiety about the outcome of the election in November. This article shares resources and support for adults caring for children and youth.
Ideas and Techniques Resources
Using Arts in Quaker Religious Education (RE) Practices and Programming
Explore how the arts complement, enrich, and strengthen our practices and programs. They add new dimensions to creative reflection and open joyful opportunities for building intergenerational community. This presentation was originally given during the 2023 QREC...
Using the Arts in our Practices and Programming
Learn about using arts in Quaker Religious Education (RE) practices and programming in this presentation by Laura MacNorlin from the 2023 QREC Annual Conference.
Looking Ahead Guide, Fall 2023
Rich with queries and inspiration, this guide leads you through discerning direction for your Quaker religious education program this fall.
Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021
Building a curriculum plan or “road map” of topics and lessons for the year ahead allows you to gather inspiration, season ideas, seek out adults to teach, and present First Day plans to families. Connecting the themes of lessons from one week to the next gives your...
Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting
This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...
Top Ten List for New Teachers
What do you think is most important for a new teacher to know? This query was given to gifted and seasoned First Day School teachers in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Their responses were remarkably similar. They range from the practical (Make sure you have all of your...
Faith & Play Quaker Stories
FAITH & PLAY™ is a Montessori-inspired curriculum to help children find words and images for expressing the experiences of holy mystery and wonder. Play is children's practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving from Faith and Practice. Faith & Play...