Young Adult Friends
Walking in the World as a Friend
"What do we do that makes us Quakers?" Follow how essential Quaker practices weave together the individual, Quaker community and Spirit, creating a unique, vital and transformative dynamic. The 15 short, free videos are great discussion starters. You can purchase...
A Guide to Faithfulness Groups
This book explains what faithfulness is and how it can be cultivated by a community that practices ways to listen inwardly together for divine guidance. Above all, this book is a guide to faithfulness groups, a practice that holds great potential for supporting...
Revolutionary Roots of Quakerism: a six-session journey with Early Friends
Mid-17th century England was swept by dramatic changes: sharp religious and political conflict, rising hopes, charismatic leaders and popular grassroots movements - in short, a world much like the one we live in today. Quakers were born as a faith community into this...
Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice
Perfect for newcomers, this brief pamphlet captures the essence of unprogrammed Quaker worship, our faith and practice, and testimonies. By permission of the author, the document is downloadable at no cost. Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice Excerpt on unprogrammed...
New Children of the Light
Read interviews with sixteen millennial Quakers describing who they are and who they want to become. New Children of the Light can serve as a window into the lives and minds of young people coming of age in the twenty first century. It is common to hear about the...
Discovering Our Faith Through Worship Sharing
This booklet offers opportunities for individual, family and all-meeting study of the foundations of the Quaker faith. It offers a way to welcome new attenders by drawing out the faith that is already within them while respecting where each is on their spiritual...
Book recommendations…
Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey
Our Life is Love describes the transformational spiritual journey of the first Quakers, who turned to the Light of Christ within and allowed it to be their guide. Many Friends today use different language, but are still called to make the same journey. In our time...
Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition
This is a meaty and inviting introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life. The detailed examination of discernment about when to speak in meeting and other leadings is worth the cover price. His chapter entitled 'The Facing Bench' lifts up well selected...
The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction
This is an excellent introduction to Quakerism written in non-adademic language with practical applications to modern times. Written by Ben Pink Dandelion, a tutor at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Center in England, the book places Quakerism in the wider religious...
Staying Engaged as a Young Adult Quaker
A QuakerSpeak Video: Young Adult Friends are often transitory and sometimes don’t return to Quakerism. So how can they stay engaged?
#QuakerProblems: QuakerSpeak video
When one of these Earlham College students cracked a joke about something being a "Quaker Problem," little did they know it would become an international Quaker meme within a matter of weeks. This brief video is a charming, gentle way to laugh about — and appreciate —...
Top 10 Reasons I am a Quaker: QuakerSpeak video
Quaker Pastor Gregg Koskela came to Friends as a young adult, from various Evangelical Christian denominations. In this video he articulates the top 10 things that attracted him to Quakerism.