Grandparenting Creatively in a Quakerly Manner
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern Time
January 29, 2025, February 5, 12, & 19, 2025 (and February 26th in case a session has to be cancelled).
This workshop is an invitation to gather with other Friends to discuss the joys and challenges of grandparenting. This is a free, online workshop offered by the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC).
Grandparents may live near their grandchildren or far away. They may have frequent contact or no contact at all. They may want to renew, re-spark or think how to keep the relationship as grandchildren grow and move into another stage of development.
This workshop offers Friends who are currently grandparents the opportunity to:
- Share what we are currently doing with our grandchildren.
- Reflect on what is working and identify where we might want to make changes.
- Envision what is possible and imagine how you might get there.
- Explore the dynamic balance in this three-generation relationship. Our role as grandparents depends a lot on our relationship with our adult children, the parents of the grandchildren. How can we create open, lightly-held spaces to speak our hopes all the while listening for their perspectives, preferences, and even limits about our sharings with the grandchildren?
During our first session, participants will lift up topics and concerns that they want to explore. The facilitators will create a program around those issues during our journey over the next 3 sessions using our Quaker faith as a support and guide.
Allowing time for each Friend to share, the group will be limited to 12 participants.
When: Wednesdays: 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, January 29th, February 5th, 12th, and 19th (and February 26th in case a session has to be cancelled).
Co-leaders: Harriet Heath is developmental psychologist and founder of the Quaker Parenting Initiative. Beth Collea is a co-founder of Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC). Both are Quaker parents and grandparents who have found nurturing children an integral part of their spiritual journeys.