Early Light Finding Inner Light

Vocations and Gifts


  • Is your work compatible with your values?
  • Is the life of the business/institution for which you work broadly in line with the Quaker values of peace, justice, equality, simplicity, integrity, and community?
  • Do you listen inwardly for new leadings which may impact your job choices?
  • Do you share your understanding of the spiritual component of your work?
  • Do you recognize the spiritual imperative of following a leading?
  • Do you listen attentively to your children for possible evidence of leadings and early “promptings of the heart” naming and validating their unfolding spiritual life?
  • Do you regard the measure of the Light in your children as just as genuine, vital, and informative as that of any adult?


  • Do you stay attuned to the ability of experiences, like hiking in nature, meditating, or creating art or music, to open you to the divine?
  • Can you identify times when your schoolwork, a project, or an activity just felt right?
  • Do you have a sense of some vocation you are especially good at or care about?
  • Can you try out a possible vocation through volunteering or other community service work?

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Author: Beth Collea


Publisher: Quaker Religious Education Collaborative

Age Group: All Ages

Preparation Time

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