Youth Resources

Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle

Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle

Support for youth to discern conscientious objection is a vital ministry for Quaker meetings. The teen years are the best time to start documentation for a CO claim in the U.S. because Selective Service registration is required of all 18-year-old males, and perhaps females in the future. Beyond that, the peace testimony is central to Quaker identity, making education about conscientious objection paramount for Quaker teens.

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Service Learning Guidelines for High School Students

Service Learning Guidelines for High School Students

Maryland was the first state in the U.S. to mandate service learning for high school students. Service learning is a teaching method that combines meaningful service to the community with curriculum-based learning. Students improve their academic skills by applying...

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Almost American Girl

Almost American Girl

Transitioning from life in Korea to America, a young woman struggles with change and figuring out where she fits. After her mother’s decision to marry a man in Alabama, 14-year-old Chuna, who thought she was just going on another mother-daughter trip, grapples with...

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Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Vocations and Gifts Parents: Is your work compatible with your values? Is the life of the business/institution for which you work broadly in line with the Quaker values of peace, justice, equality, simplicity, integrity, and community? Do you listen inwardly for new...

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Despair, Hope and the Great Turning

Despair, Hope and the Great Turning

Anxiety about the state of the world is common among young Friends. From the widely acclaimed Powell House Youth Program, this experiential retreat curriculum provides a safe place to voice the fear that burdens so many who seek to live with awareness and...

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Settling Routine

Settling Routine

We use this settling routine from Ann Arbor (MI) Friends Meeting with all our kids, sometimes omitting a line or two. It's important to have chairs an appropriate height for all children so their toes can touch the floor. Sitting on the floor with knees bent and feet...

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Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide,  Teenagers Edition

Exploring Quakerism: A Study Guide, Teenagers Edition

"There is that of God in everyone," paraphrased from George Fox's revelation, electrified 17th century England and continues to speak to us today. This 14-session curriculum offers an overview of Quaker faith and practice for middle and high school students. Designed...

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Quaker Process

Quaker Process

This experiential curriculum introduces high school age Friends to the Quaker process of conducting business. By experiencing and reflecting on the processes involved in committees and meeting for worship with a concern for business, young Friends explore the...

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