Resources for All Ages

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

In the season of Christmas and festivals of light, we consider how to celebrate in the manner of Friends: How do we approach this season as Friends? What can we share with Quaker religious education colleagues from our experience? What can we share with families in...

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Candle Prayer (for Friends of all ages)

Candle Prayer (for Friends of all ages)

Since the beginning of the Religious Society of Friends, we have found “the Light” to be a helpful way of talking about the Divine. Today, we often speak about “the Light within” and “holding each other in the Light,” but not all Friends know that the image of the...

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Friends World Committee for Consultation Africa Section

Friends World Committee for Consultation Africa Section

The Quaker Tree in East Africa By Moses Musonga, former Executive Secretary, FWCC Africa Section The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) was established in East Africa in 1902. The American Friends Board of foreign missions sent two students to Kenya to survey and...

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Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Vocations and Gifts Parents: Is your work compatible with your values? Is the life of the business/institution for which you work broadly in line with the Quaker values of peace, justice, equality, simplicity, integrity, and community? Do you listen inwardly for new...

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Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Make your Quaker Religious Education come alive! Weave Quaker Activists into your lesson plans bringing a fresh, contemporary voice of lived Quakerism to your Friends Meeting or Church. Use digital technology to invite the world into your classroom in the person of a...

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Celebrate our World Family of Friends!

Celebrate our World Family of Friends!

QREC has partnered with Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) to create materials to accompany five FWCC-QuakerSpeak videos released in 2016-17. The short videos are wonderful places to begin an exploration of Quakers worldwide, including what we share...

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QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

A rich collection of useful websites with curricula and learning materials from many different yearly meetings, Quaker organizations and other educational organizations for teaching all ages. Please use the comment section below to suggest other websites that should...

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Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021

Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021

Building a curriculum plan or “road map” of topics and lessons for the year ahead allows you to gather inspiration, season ideas, seek out adults to teach, and present First Day plans to families. Connecting the themes of lessons from one week to the next gives your...

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Family Worship Pamphlet

Family Worship Pamphlet

What a challenge our form of worship is for children! Even if you just consider the visuals — "still forms on every side" — it looks like a room full of adults either falling asleep or being punished with a time out. How can we help our children feel the depth, the...

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Books and Music to Celebrate Earth Day

Books and Music to Celebrate Earth Day

Below is a list of some of our favorite books that are associated with Earth Day. Some books tell about people and the work that they’ve done to help the Earth. Other books share stories to appreciate our beautiful Earth. Each entry has been chosen because it has a...

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Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Join us in an exciting pop-up partnership between Friends Peace Teams and the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative!  We are starting a pilot project organizing Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs as a way to learn about, celebrate, and support peacemaking through "gifts...

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Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...

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Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Three Christmas holiday traditions at Birmingham Friends Meeting (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA) are described in the attached document:  1. The Giving Tree, a service project of the  Birmingham Meeting Youth Committee in collaboration with a local homeless shelter....

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Reverse Advent for Friends

Reverse Advent for Friends

Reverse Advent: For Families and RE Programs, An Activity to Teach the Spiritual Discipline of Reaching Out In December, young people and their families have an opportunity to connect a story of the season with service to a local food cupboard or shelter. While...

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The Power of Goodness

The Power of Goodness

TThe Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace is a short story book with children's art from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together, the words and images capture the...

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World Quaker Day Website

World Quaker Day Website

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has relaunched the World Quaker Day Website to celebrate the 5th annual day of international Quaker celebration. We have updated the look and feel of the site and added more resources to help Friends plan their...

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Crusigrama de Frases Cuaqueras

Crusigrama de Frases Cuaqueras

Find Word Puzzle of Spanish Quaker Phrases Haga clic en la imagen para descargar/ver el rompecabezas To view/download the puzzle, click the image below Para obtener respuestas, haga clic en el enlace "Archivo Relacionado" en la barra lateral For answers, click the...

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Rise Again Songbook

Rise Again Songbook

After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, the sequel to Rise Up Singing was published in 2015. The format of Rise Again is the same as in Rise Up Singing but the songs are all different. Rise Again expands possiblities to bring...

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Rise Up Singing Songbook

Rise Up Singing Songbook

A beloved group singing songbook containing chords, lyrics and sources to 1,200 songs from a wide variety of genres from Beatles to Broadway, from Bob Dylan to traditional ballads. Rise Up Singing does NOT include notation, meaning that users must either know the...

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All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

Advices and queries on reaching out to families, connecting with each other and enriching all-ages worshipping communities. From Britain Yearly Meeting, "Please use this resource to explore what is happening in your meeting, and consider how you can develop as an...

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Wellesley Friends Seder

Wellesley Friends Seder

A resource for Friends, includes the Passover prayers and celebration of Passover. The purpose is stated in the final prayer of acceptance, "You are not obligated to complete the task of creating a better world in your lifetime, but neither must you refuse to do your...

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