How Maps Change Things feature

A Conversation about the Maps We Choose and the World We Want

How Maps Change Things cover

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I’d love to see this book in every Quaker home and Friends meeting/church library. It’s a surprisingly short and utterly engaging journey from world maps to questions of social justice and it’s worth it every step of the way! Maps are anything but neutral conveyors of an objective reality. In the process of taking a round world and squishing it onto a flat map, a projection, choices must be made. At that point, in slip assumptions, values, and biases. How Maps Change Things opens the questions to us and hold that door open for heart-searching conversations about the intersection of our Quaker faith and the way the secular world is organized. We come away provoked and at the same time supported in some next steps. Included is a 4-session study guide very adaptable to use in religious education or home schooling or just to enrich home conversations. If there is one take-away from How Maps Change Things, it is this. Humans will always put themselves at the center of their world. The challenge for Quakers of all ages is, “How can we expand our perimeter of kindness to include more and more of the world’s peoples, living authentically with what we find there?”

Author: Ward Kaiser


Publisher: Copperhouse

Age Group: 13 to 15 years, 16 to 18 years, Young Adult Friends (YAFs)

Preparation Time

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TopicsEquality, Home, Home Religious Education, Peace, Social Concerns, Social Justice, Testimonies