Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle
January 21 and 23, 2025
OR A MEETING, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION IS HOW THE PEACE TESTIMONY MANIFESTS IN ITS TEENS. There are two main reasons: First, U.S. Selective Service registration, required of all 18-year-old males and perhaps females in the future, is a person’s first contact with military induction. The teen years are the best time to discern and start documentation for a possible CO claim, particularly as a precaution should a draft be re-instated. Beyond that, and perhaps more importantly, the peace testimony is central to Quaker identity, so education about conscientious objection for Quaker teens is paramount. Regardless of a future draft, laying seeds of peace in youth has long-range benefits.
This conversation circle will explore conscientious objection for Quaker teens. Curt Torell, author of Conscientious Objection: Is this for You? will present the current state of U.S. Selective Service registration and how a CO claim can be made. Participants will engage in conversation, sharing their own experiences based on the queries below. Curt will then share curriculum ideas from his soon-to-be released revision of, Conscientious Objection: Is This for You? Discerning, Deciding, Documenting, and Defending a CO Claim with Selective Service. The curriculum is published through Quaker House, a peace witness in Fayetteville, NC, where Curt has served on the board for a number of years. In the early 70’s, Curt worked at a draft center in Rochester, NY.
- What does your meeting do to nurture the peace testimony in young people?
- In what ways does your meeting address conscientious objection?
- In what ways does your meeting support teens who are COs, and may not know it?
- What has been your, or your meeting’s experience with conscientious objection and teens?
- Curt Torell, PhD, Chapel Hill Meeting, Quaker House, NCYMC
- Sita Diehl, Madison Friends Meeting, NYM
- Andrew Wright, Durham Friends Meeting, NCYMC
- Conscientious Objection: Is this for you? Resource Guide, by Curt Torell, PhD, Quaker House.
- Study War Some More: If you want to work for peace By Chuck Fager, Quaker House.
- Extra Casualties: The Military Industrial Complex and the Uncounted Human Cost of War by Mia Austin-Scoggins, Quaker House.
- Quaker House, Fayetteville NC:
- How to Become a Conscientious Objector, QuakerSpeak video with Curt Torell
- Steps for Writing a Statement of Conscience, Friends Peace Teams.
- Conscientious Objection, Quakers in the World. Library of the Religious Society of Friends, London.
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