Music Resources

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

In the season of Christmas and festivals of light, we consider how to celebrate in the manner of Friends: How do we approach this season as Friends? What can we share with Quaker religious education colleagues from our experience? What can we share with families in...

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Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Three Christmas holiday traditions at Birmingham Friends Meeting (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA) are described in the attached document:  1. The Giving Tree, a service project of the  Birmingham Meeting Youth Committee in collaboration with a local homeless shelter....

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Plays for the Christmas Holidays

Plays for the Christmas Holidays

We are grateful to Nancy Pickering of Middletown Friends Meeting (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) for three plays celebrating the Christmas season This is the Stable, A simple telling of the Nativity with readings from the book by Cynthia Cotten, illustrated by Delana...

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November Conversation Circle: RE Resources for the Holidays

November Conversation Circle: RE Resources for the Holidays

November Conversation Circles: Friendly Resources for the Holiday Season  As the Christmas season approaches, we're bombarded with messages from the world around us. How can we, in Friends meetings and schools, help Quaker families and children celebrate the...

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Rise Again Songbook

Rise Again Songbook

After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, the sequel to Rise Up Singing was published in 2015. The format of Rise Again is the same as in Rise Up Singing but the songs are all different. Rise Again expands possiblities to bring...

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Rise Up Singing Songbook

Rise Up Singing Songbook

A beloved group singing songbook containing chords, lyrics and sources to 1,200 songs from a wide variety of genres from Beatles to Broadway, from Bob Dylan to traditional ballads. Rise Up Singing does NOT include notation, meaning that users must either know the...

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Creation’s First Light

Creation’s First Light

Creation's First Light, by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, describes the Light in a way that transcends time, religions, and ethnic origins.  Children, teens, and adults can understand this abstract concept in an experiential way. Breathtakingly illustrated to capture...

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Teaching Queries to Quaker Children

Teaching Queries to Quaker Children

This curriculum with one lesson for each of the 12 queries found in the 1972 Faith and Practice manual of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Themes include: worship, ministry, care, education, outreach, social order, race relations, equality, environment, peace,...

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Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools

Dr. Seuss for First-Day Schools

Lessons based on 18 Dr. Seuss stories contain questions, activities, songs and related stories keyed to Quaker themes. Each of the stories can take one or two weeks. The curriculum contains an excellent resource list with related Bible or Quaker stories and songs from...

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Sparkling Still Curriculum

Sparkling Still Curriculum

A core Quaker curriculum for young children, Sparkling Still provides everything you need to create lessons for children ages 3 to 8 and build a classroom community. Topics include sense of self, family and community, the natural world, the Bible and Quakerism,...

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