All-Age Activities Resources

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

Seeking Wonder and Light in the Christmas Season

In the season of Christmas and festivals of light, we consider how to celebrate in the manner of Friends: How do we approach this season as Friends? What can we share with Quaker religious education colleagues from our experience? What can we share with families in...

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Candle Prayer (for Friends of all ages)

Candle Prayer (for Friends of all ages)

Since the beginning of the Religious Society of Friends, we have found “the Light” to be a helpful way of talking about the Divine. Today, we often speak about “the Light within” and “holding each other in the Light,” but not all Friends know that the image of the...

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Sometimes People March

Sometimes People March

Simple, direct statements are paired with watercolor illustrations to highlight some of the rallying causes for organized marches throughout the history of the United States. The text and art begin with two marches that will reemerge as metaphor later in the book: a...

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Quaker Affirmations

Quaker Affirmations

Celebrating What’s Already True About Your Children The Quaker emphasis on Truth creates a wonderful jumping off point for conversations with children about special capacities they have (spiritual gifts) and ways those gifts help them to engage with others in ways...

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Parable of the Talents, Friends Squash Project

Parable of the Talents, Friends Squash Project

This article is a modern enactment of the parable of the talents, and speaks to what can be done together with the right leading. I am trying to remember the Hubbard squash seeds. Did they arrive in my childhood, sixty years ago?  I am not sure. I surely remember...

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Family Worship Pamphlet

Family Worship Pamphlet

What a challenge our form of worship is for children! Even if you just consider the visuals — "still forms on every side" — it looks like a room full of adults either falling asleep or being punished with a time out. How can we help our children feel the depth, the...

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Home Religious Education Guide – Sharing Our Gifts

Home Religious Education Guide – Sharing Our Gifts

Activities to Pair with Books and Music HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE  Please use these ideas in ways that work best for your children.  The Concepts listed and Bible Readings are for grown-up background material to support you.  Reading aloud the book together, or watching...

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Meeting Needs and Friends General Conference (FGC) Resources

Meeting Needs and Friends General Conference (FGC) Resources

Meeting Needs linked with FGC Resources: A Sampling (Bolded words can be put into a search engine like Google this way — “FGC clearness committees”, or "FGC outreach” for example or into the FGC search window on the website without the “FGC”) Outreach: How can we...

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Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs!

Join us in an exciting pop-up partnership between Friends Peace Teams and the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative!  We are starting a pilot project organizing Friendly Holiday Gift Fairs as a way to learn about, celebrate, and support peacemaking through "gifts...

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Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting

This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...

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Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Holiday Traditions at Birmingham (PA) Friends Meeting

Three Christmas holiday traditions at Birmingham Friends Meeting (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA) are described in the attached document:  1. The Giving Tree, a service project of the  Birmingham Meeting Youth Committee in collaboration with a local homeless shelter....

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Plays for the Christmas Holidays

Plays for the Christmas Holidays

We are grateful to Nancy Pickering of Middletown Friends Meeting (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) for three plays celebrating the Christmas season This is the Stable, A simple telling of the Nativity with readings from the book by Cynthia Cotten, illustrated by Delana...

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Crusigrama de Frases Cuaqueras

Crusigrama de Frases Cuaqueras

Find Word Puzzle of Spanish Quaker Phrases Haga clic en la imagen para descargar/ver el rompecabezas To view/download the puzzle, click the image below Para obtener respuestas, haga clic en el enlace "Archivo Relacionado" en la barra lateral For answers, click the...

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Christmas Programs with a Twist

Christmas Programs with a Twist

This curriculum is full of Christmas Plays for First Day School children, youth and adults to create for the Christmas Season.  Created by Elinor Briggs of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. At Christmastime, as at other times of the year, Friends look for programs that...

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Rise Again Songbook

Rise Again Songbook

After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, the sequel to Rise Up Singing was published in 2015. The format of Rise Again is the same as in Rise Up Singing but the songs are all different. Rise Again expands possiblities to bring...

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Rise Up Singing Songbook

Rise Up Singing Songbook

A beloved group singing songbook containing chords, lyrics and sources to 1,200 songs from a wide variety of genres from Beatles to Broadway, from Bob Dylan to traditional ballads. Rise Up Singing does NOT include notation, meaning that users must either know the...

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All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

Advices and queries on reaching out to families, connecting with each other and enriching all-ages worshipping communities. From Britain Yearly Meeting, "Please use this resource to explore what is happening in your meeting, and consider how you can develop as an...

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Wellesley Friends Seder

Wellesley Friends Seder

A resource for Friends, includes the Passover prayers and celebration of Passover. The purpose is stated in the final prayer of acceptance, "You are not obligated to complete the task of creating a better world in your lifetime, but neither must you refuse to do your...

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Holy Week in a Box

Holy Week in a Box

An Episcopalian resource, "Holy Week in a Box" uses simple objects tucked into a small box, along with Bible passages to tell the stories observed during the week leading up to Easter. Each item in the box is a symbol, representing a piece of the gospel narrative:...

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Creation’s First Light

Creation’s First Light

Creation's First Light, by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, describes the Light in a way that transcends time, religions, and ethnic origins.  Children, teens, and adults can understand this abstract concept in an experiential way. Breathtakingly illustrated to capture...

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#QuakerProblems: QuakerSpeak video

#QuakerProblems: QuakerSpeak video

When one of these Earlham College students cracked a joke about something being a "Quaker Problem," little did they know it would become an international Quaker meme within a matter of weeks. This brief video is a charming, gentle way to laugh about — and appreciate —...

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An Introduction

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a stewardship for lifelong Quaker faith formation through religious education. We formed in April 2014 and now serve more than 300 Friends in our network. We actively engage and support each other across languages and continents. We gather for regional and annual conferences and offer monthly Conversation Circles via an online conferencing platform. 

Steering Circle

We share leadership as part of our collaborative mission, making decisions using the Quaker ‘sense of the meeting’ process, sitting in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth. Read more…

Working Circles

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Our work  takes place in ‘circles’ or small groups of Friends who labor on a common task, usually meeting by video conference due to the geographic diversity of the membership. Read more…

The Resource Library

Finders Guide, a sampling of the collection

The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find principles, policies and procedures to strengthen operation of your child, youth and adult religious education programs.

Children’s Education

Adult Education


African Quaker Library

Youth Education

Small Meetings

Young Adult Friends

Biblioteca QREC


Find renewal, companionship, and help for nitty gritty issues in Quaker religious education, all the while opening spaces for Spirit to work and listening together for God’s way forward.

QREC holds an annual conference and retreat. In addition we hold online Conversation Circles and post other religious education events as we learn about them.

Conversation Circles

Online conferences for Quaker religious educators to share about their work. Conversations are scheduled for two sessions per topic to encourage international participation.  Join the conversation…

Other Events

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Religious education events of interest to Quakers from all parts of the world. Please let us know about upcoming online or in-person events happening in your area. See the list of upcoming events…

Love at the Heart

Spiritual Practices


Active Caring

Quaker Family Culture

Finding the Light

Faith at Home

Home is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life.

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QREC depends on all of us sharing our gifts and skills as religious educators. Here are some of the ways you can get involved…