Child Safety Resources

Rules of Thumb for Community Safety

Rules of Thumb for Community Safety

Friends Meetings, like all faith communities, are at risk of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults.  This one page explanation of the risk is a good conversation starter for Friends meetings seeking to create or strengthen safety policies. Rules of Thumb for...

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Northern Yearly Meeting Children and Youth Policy Manual

Northern Yearly Meeting Children and Youth Policy Manual

Policies and procedures for facilitating programming for children and youth in Northern Yearly Meeting.  The manual includes: NYM Children & Youth Committee member role description, Personnel policies for youth serving employees, Responsibilities for reporting...

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Conversation Circle (Sep 2020) — Child Safety

Conversation Circle (Sep 2020) — Child Safety

How are we caring for children in our Meetings? We have been given a sacred trust, as Quaker religious educators who work with children and youth, to nurture the spiritual growth of young Friends in a loving and safe community. This conversation will explore child...

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Video Conferencing with Under 18’s, Britain Yearly Meeting

Video Conferencing with Under 18’s, Britain Yearly Meeting

There are times that you may want to consider virtual meetings with your children's or teenage meeting, with your youth group or as an all age meeting. This policy from Britain Yearly Meeting offers advice on safe online meetings. Download the guidelines Video...

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Guidelines for Virtual Meetings, Northern Yearly Meeting

Guidelines for Virtual Meetings, Northern Yearly Meeting

The Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM — located in the upper midwest USA) Children and Youth Committee has considered best practices and recommendations related to virtual meetings involving youth. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to widespread use of virtual technologies for...

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Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Developed for Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this 20 minute video training, quiz and set of queries serves as a brief introduction to procedures for protecting children from abuse or neglect while participating in an FGC program. The website includes...

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