Family Resources

Parenting for Peace

Parenting for Peace

FRIENDS SCHOOL OF PORTLAND'S PARENTING FOR PEACE PROGRAM developed as an outgrowth of their overall educational vision – to encourage inquiry, reflection and action and to strengthen the community of learners. In accordance with Quaker values and process, they...

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Family Worship Pamphlet

Family Worship Pamphlet

What a challenge our form of worship is for children! Even if you just consider the visuals — "still forms on every side" — it looks like a room full of adults either falling asleep or being punished with a time out. How can we help our children feel the depth, the...

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Centering Tools: Mandalas

Centering Tools: Mandalas

"It all starts with stopping," says author Beth Collea, as she describes how the practice of coloring mandalas helps young children settle. Links are provided to websites with free, printable mandalas from the simple to the intricate.  This tool is useful for family...

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