Friends, young and old, play through Quaker history in this hands-on exploration of historical Friends from George Fox to present-day Friends in your monthly meeting. Adult volunteers prepare for the class by studying a historical Friend to prepare for role-playing in...
First Day School, Virtual Resources
Conversation Circle (July 2020) — Program Planning in Uncertain Times
Topic: In April and May we held conversations on how Friends were managing Religious Education and supporting families during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look forward, the virus is still with us - and will be for some time to come. Join the conversation on how we can...
Conversation Circle (May 2020) — Online Quaker Religious Education
Topic: Online Quaker Religious Education: What have we learned so far in our roles as pastors and educators? Welcome and Introductions Centering Silence The COVI-19 pandemic has been a time of struggle and heartbreak, hitting some parts of the society and the world...