Registration is open for the 2025 Annual Conference, at Atlanta Friends Meeting and online, April 11-13! Join us around the table for fellowship, learning, and worship together with our religious education community of practice. All are welcome!
Announcements Category
Talking with Children & Youth about the Presidential Election 2024
The intensity of the 2024 election cycle is an experience both for adults and for the children and youth in our families and communities. Depending on their age, preschoolers to teens may be aware of the anxiety in the adults around them — and experiencing their own anxiety about the outcome of the election in November. This article shares resources and support for adults caring for children and youth.
COVID Policy, QREC 2022 Annual Conference
COVID Guidelines QREC 2022 Annual Conference QREC invites our community of practice to gather with good health practices, creativity, and commonsense. The following recommendations are made to protect all of us, the staff at Catholic Conference Center, and homes we...
Friendly Book Collaborative Seeking Volunteers
Friends Peace Teams is seeking volunteers for the new Friendly Book Collaborative Program. Friends are working together to Identify books for Friends Peace Libraries, write Peace Schools and Gardens curriculum, offer Literacy for Peace and Justice training, and share Power of Goodness stories and events.