Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. January 29, 2025, February 5, 12, & 19, 2025 (and February 26th in case a session has to be cancelled). This free workshop is an invitation to gather with other Friends to discuss the joys and challenges of grandparenting.
Events Category
Conscientious Objection: How can Quaker Meetings support our youth? A Conversation Circle
Support for youth to discern conscientious objection is a vital ministry for Quaker meetings. The teen years are the best time to start documentation for a CO claim in the U.S. because Selective Service registration is required of all 18-year-old males, and perhaps females in the future. Beyond that, the peace testimony is central to Quaker identity, making education about conscientious objection paramount for Quaker teens.
Walking in the World as a Friend Community Practice Group
WALKING IN THE WORLD AS A FRIEND: ESSENTIAL QUAKER PRACTICES by Nadine Hoover provides a foundation for this Online Community Practice Group beginning Monday, Sept 16, 2024. We meet monthly on third Mondays, Sept – Nov to enrich adult Quaker Religious Education for ourselves and our meetings/churches.
Practices like journaling and spiritual companions help us live into the roles of minister, steward and witness, as we tend the inward life (minister), align our outward lives to our inward life (steward), and let our lives speak and tell truths we know, publicly (witness).
Experiments in Meeting for Worship, Plain, Virtual, Blended — Conversation Summary
Quakerism has been an experimental faith, and the disruption of these times has opened a profound experiment in Meeting for Worship. Conversation summary as we seek to evolve our understanding through shared experience of plain, virtual and blended Meeting for Worship.
Spiritual Companion Group Gatherings
These gatherings are for people who meet as companions (of 2-4 members) mutually committed to experiment with allowing the Living Spirit to guide and shape their lives, as expressed in their own words.
FGC Spiritual Mentorship: youth & young adults
FGC is piloting a Spiritual Mentorship Program for youth and young adults interested in developing their spiritual gifts of clerking, discernment, and community leadership.
Youth of Color Virtual Retreats
Get up to some good trouble at our Virtual Retreats for Youth of Color! Join the Ministry on Racism of Friends General Conference (FGC) for quarterly Virtual Retreats for Youth of Color throughout 2021! Each retreat will be held in 3 or 4 90-minute segments on a...
2020 Annual Conference Follow-Up
With joy, we welcomed 94 Friends from three continents to the QREC Annual Conference, 14-16 August 2020. We gathered for deeper listening and fresh inspiration from a place beneath the endless brainstorming to solve the logistical disruptions caused by the...