Two lessons on journeying from the homeland and welcoming immigrants. One lesson is based on the Friends Committee on National Legislation slogan, "Love Thy Neighbor, no exceptions". The other is a Biblically inspired story of journey and welcome told in the manner of...
Resources for 4 to 5 years
Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson
A lesson on being present and how we bring our whole selves to waiting worship in the meeting. Download/view lesson plan here.
Discovering Our Faith through Story and Play
Part one of the booklet contains the classic Quaker stories of George Fox, Elizabeth Fry, Stephen Grellet, William Pickett, Mary Fisher and John Woolman. Part two has stories of the experience of meeting for worship. The third part consists of two biblical...
El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman
Había un gran interés en mi mente en no ocupar mi tiempo con relación a las cosas externas, de tal manera que nada me impidiera tener la fiel atención a la voz del Pastor Verdadero. —El diario de John Woolman, 1743, p.18 Este currículo es el resultado de una...
QREC Videos: Welcoming children and families into Quaker meeting
A series of six videos to help Quaker monthly meetings and worship groups welcome children and families. Recorded by Melinda Wenner Bradley in the Fall 2015. Rachel Guaraldi was the Videographer.
Shaking Out the Truth
This curriculum explains processes of making decisions in Quaker meeting. In three lessons, students learn about meeting for business, clearness committees, and threshing sessions are described along with age-appropriate activties to increase understanding. For...
Earth Care for Children
This curriculum helps children walk gently over God's Earth through interactive and fun activities. Young Friends experience the Earth as our home, see how we share our home with God's creatures, and learn how we can behave in caring ways for our world. Quaker...
What Does It Mean to Be Present?
This book exploring practical ways to be present could be used as part of a lesson on mindfulness and how we prepare for worship. The illustrations are lovely. Melinda Wenner Bradley has created the attached children's religious education lesson plan, "Looking Back,...
An Easter Story for Friends
A story about the power of God's love Each spring, as Easter approaches, we see new life all around us. This story of the symbolic transformation from winter to spring, is adapted for Friends from the Godly Play® story The Mystery of Easter* and work by the Faith...
The Complete Guide to Godly Play
From the Godly Play Foundation: "Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on...
That Baby in the Manger
A contemporary and unique children's Christmas book about Jesus' love for all children, That Baby in the Manger offers a needed message about inclusion and acceptance of cultural differences. As the children of a small church struggle with the portrayal of the Holy...
What Color was Baby Jesus’ Hair? Representing the Christ Multiculturally
Across cultures, Jesus and his family have inspired countless works of art. Christians around the world have represented the Holy Family. When we use art in our teaching we ignite visual learners and inspire children's own art-making. Using books or online tools,...
Holy Week in a Box
An Episcopalian resource, "Holy Week in a Box" uses simple objects tucked into a small box, along with Bible passages to tell the stories observed during the week leading up to Easter. Each item in the box is a symbol, representing a piece of the gospel narrative:...
Creation’s First Light
Creation's First Light, by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, describes the Light in a way that transcends time, religions, and ethnic origins. Children, teens, and adults can understand this abstract concept in an experiential way. Breathtakingly illustrated to capture...
Finding the Light in You: Bright Silent Worship with Young Friends
Finding the Light In You: Bright Silent Worship with Young Friends supportively guides the process of nurturing children's silent worship skills. Guided imagery, richly illustrated with color photos, provides a bridge from abstract adult silent worship to child-sized...
Faith & Play Quaker Stories
FAITH & PLAY™ is a Montessori-inspired curriculum to help children find words and images for expressing the experiences of holy mystery and wonder. Play is children's practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving from Faith and Practice. Faith & Play...
Sparkling Still Curriculum
A core Quaker curriculum for young children, Sparkling Still provides everything you need to create lessons for children ages 3 to 8 and build a classroom community. Topics include sense of self, family and community, the natural world, the Bible and Quakerism,...
Let’s Explore the Quaker Way
This colorful little booklet helps young children explore the Quaker values of truth, peace, simplicity and equality. Set in a delightful garden, three children explore how important these values are. Aimed at 3 to 8 year olds, though appealing to all ages, this is a...
Quaker Meeting and Me
Este pequeño y atractivo folleto ayuda a los niños a encontrar su camino hacia la reunión cuáquera para la adoración. Con colores intensos y relajantes, el folleto utiliza imágenes de un jardín para ilustrar los diferentes aspectos del culto cuáquero. Una solapa en la...