Resources for Adults

Freeing the Spirit

Freeing the Spirit

Nominations in the Society of Friends in Theory and Practice What could be more important for any organization with a message to put across than that it should itself practice what it preaches? In this book, Roy Stephenson examines how Quakers, members of the...

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The Mediator’s Handbook

The Mediator’s Handbook

The popular Mediator's Handbook presents a time-tested, adaptable model for helping people work through conflict. Extensively revised to incorporate recent practice and thinking, the accessible manual format lays out a clear structure for new and occasional mediators,...

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Meeting Needs and Friends General Conference (FGC) Resources

Meeting Needs and Friends General Conference (FGC) Resources

Meeting Needs linked with FGC Resources: A Sampling (Bolded words can be put into a search engine like Google this way — “FGC clearness committees”, or "FGC outreach” for example or into the FGC search window on the website without the “FGC”) Outreach: How can we...

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Nurturing Quaker Children in a Small Meeting

Nurturing Quaker Children in a Small Meeting

From the child's point of view, living in a small Meeting can be very rich. The segregation between children and adults that is the norm for popular culture and many large Meetings is impossible here. It is like living in a small town, or a large family where everyone...

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Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice

Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice

Perfect for newcomers, this brief pamphlet captures the essence of unprogrammed Quaker worship, our faith and practice, and testimonies.  By permission of the author, the document is downloadable at no cost. Quaker Worship, Faith and Practice Excerpt on unprogrammed...

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Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey

Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey

Our Life is Love describes the transformational spiritual journey of the first Quakers, who turned to the Light of Christ within and allowed it to be their guide. Many Friends today use different language, but are still called to make the same journey. In our time...

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A Testament of Devotion

A Testament of Devotion

Since its first publication in 1941, A Testament of Devotion has been universally embraced as a truly enduring spiritual classic. Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to...

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Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition

Silence and Witness: The Quaker Tradition

This is a meaty and inviting introduction to Quaker thought and spiritual life. The detailed examination of discernment about when to speak in meeting and other leadings is worth the cover price. His chapter entitled 'The Facing Bench' lifts up well selected...

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A Guide to Faithfulness Groups

A Guide to Faithfulness Groups

This book explains what faithfulness is and how it can be cultivated by a community that practices ways to listen inwardly together for divine guidance. Above all, this book is a guide to faithfulness groups, a practice that holds great potential for supporting...

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Deepening Meeting Life

Deepening Meeting Life

This curriculum enables Friends to explore central tenets in the shared life of a Friends Meeting. Topics include: Quakerism as an adventure in direct, unmediated, ongoing guidance by Spirit. Exploring our faith with each other. Deepening worship — how we can...

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Spirit Rising — Young Quaker Voices

Spirit Rising — Young Quaker Voices

Spirit Rising celebrates, critiques, questions, and reflects on the Quaker faith experience. Writing and visual art by teenage and young adult Quakers from around the world and across the theological and cultural spectrum of the Religious Society of Friends give...

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New Children of the Light

New Children of the Light

Read interviews with sixteen millennial Quakers describing who they are and who they want to become.  New Children of the Light can serve as a window into the lives and minds of young people coming of age in the twenty first century. It is common to hear about the...

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Crossing the Threshold: Preparing to Welcome Families

Crossing the Threshold: Preparing to Welcome Families

"How do meeting communities prepare and engage in active invitation to families and children? When a family walks through the door of a meeting, there are three sets of needs we should be prepared to support: the spiritual formation of their children, the spiritual...

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Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference

Developed for Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this 20 minute video training, quiz and set of queries serves as a brief introduction to procedures for protecting children from abuse or neglect while participating in an FGC program. The website includes...

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Discovering Our Faith Through Worship Sharing

Discovering Our Faith Through Worship Sharing

This booklet offers opportunities for individual, family and all-meeting study of the foundations of the Quaker faith.  It offers a way to welcome new attenders by drawing out the faith that is already within them while respecting where each is on their spiritual...

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The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction

The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction

This is an excellent introduction to Quakerism written in non-adademic language with practical applications to modern times. Written by Ben Pink Dandelion, a tutor at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Center in England, the book places Quakerism in the wider religious...

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Christ as Present Teacher

Christ as Present Teacher

This study focuses on living into the Kingdom of Heaven — humility, unity, integrity, and sacrifice. Jesus demonstrates through his teaching and through is life what oneness with one another requires, what obedience to God looks like in the world. We’re invited into...

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All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

All Are Welcome — Growing our all age community

Advices and queries on reaching out to families, connecting with each other and enriching all-ages worshipping communities. From Britain Yearly Meeting, "Please use this resource to explore what is happening in your meeting, and consider how you can develop as an...

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Exploring Godly Play Stories for Lent and Easter with Friends

Exploring Godly Play Stories for Lent and Easter with Friends

Quakers using Godly Play® in their religious education program have stories from that curriculum and other resources to choose from during this time in the First Day School year. What follows is by no means an exhaustive list, but some thoughts on what has worked in...

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An Introduction

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a stewardship for lifelong Quaker faith formation through religious education. We formed in April 2014 and now serve more than 300 Friends in our network. We actively engage and support each other across languages and continents. We gather for regional and annual conferences and offer monthly Conversation Circles via an online conferencing platform. 

Steering Circle

We share leadership as part of our collaborative mission, making decisions using the Quaker ‘sense of the meeting’ process, sitting in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth. Read more…

Working Circles

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Our work  takes place in ‘circles’ or small groups of Friends who labor on a common task, usually meeting by video conference due to the geographic diversity of the membership. Read more…

The Resource Library

Finders Guide, a sampling of the collection

The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find principles, policies and procedures to strengthen operation of your child, youth and adult religious education programs.

Children’s Education

Adult Education


African Quaker Library

Youth Education

Small Meetings

Young Adult Friends

Biblioteca QREC


Find renewal, companionship, and help for nitty gritty issues in Quaker religious education, all the while opening spaces for Spirit to work and listening together for God’s way forward.

QREC holds an annual conference and retreat. In addition we hold online Conversation Circles and post other religious education events as we learn about them.

Conversation Circles

Online conferences for Quaker religious educators to share about their work. Conversations are scheduled for two sessions per topic to encourage international participation.  Join the conversation…

Other Events

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Religious education events of interest to Quakers from all parts of the world. Please let us know about upcoming online or in-person events happening in your area. See the list of upcoming events…

Love at the Heart

Spiritual Practices


Active Caring

Quaker Family Culture

Finding the Light

Faith at Home

Home is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life.

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QREC depends on all of us sharing our gifts and skills as religious educators. Here are some of the ways you can get involved…