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Join and Contribute to QREC

Join and Contribute to QREC

Since its founding in 2014, over 300 Quaker religious education practitioners from 20 yearly meetings have joined hands under the QREC tree in an international community of practice. Join us in this work and contribute at the level you are able. Click here to complete...

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Lent, Easter and Pentecost

Lent, Easter and Pentecost

Exploring the Mystery of Easter with Friends Quaker Resources for Children's and Adult Religious Education during the season of Lent, Easter and Pentecost This is a place to share resources and ideas for learning about and celebrating the Easter season. How do we...

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Governance/Steering Circle

Governance/Steering Circle

In QREC, we share leadership in keeping with our collaborative mission. Decision-making employs the Quaker 'sense of the meeting' process where Friends sit in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth.   Our work takes place in 'circles' or small...

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The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) was formed in August 2014 when thirty-four Friends from seven yearly meetings met at the Pendle Hill Conference and Retreat Center in Pennsylvania to form a community of practice. During that seminal meeting we share...

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Events Archive

Events Archive

Quaker Summer Sleep-Away Opportunities for Kids Most Friends Camps are affordable and provide a range of activities. Many have subsidies for low-income and members of Friends meetings. Baltimore Yearly Meeting Camps...

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Quaker Religious Education Events

Quaker Bible Hour, Monthly Sessions, Oct. - Dec. 2020 Hosted by Peter Blood Paterson (Mt. Toby Meeting, NEYM) this is a new online Bible series, the first Sunday afternoon of each month, October - December 2020. There will be a different guest...

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QREC Annual Conference and Retreat

QREC Annual Conference and Retreat

We are thankful for the international, cross-branch gathering of 50+ Friends in a joyous celebration of lifelong religious education and faith formation. Documents: Workshop Descriptions  Interest Groups Panelist Bios Connect ‚¨• Recharge ...

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Faith & Play News and Trainings

Faith & Play News and Trainings

Faith & Play‚Ñ¢ is a Montessori-inspired storytelling resource that helps children find words and images for expressing their experiences of holy mystery and wonder in their lives. Play is children‚Äôs practice, hence the name Faith & Play, deriving...

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Upcoming Conversation Circles

Upcoming Conversation Circles

UPCOMING CONVERSATION CIRCLES   September Conversations, Child Safety: How are we caring for children in our Meetings; their safety and well-being?  This conversation will explore our pastoral role as religious educators, Meeting child safety...

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Conversation Circles

Conversation Circles

Conversation Circles are online video conferences convened to help Quaker religious educators across geographic regions share and collaborate about why and how they do their work. Conversations focus on topics of shared interest with two sessions for teach topic; one...

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About Us

About Us

Mission The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends holding a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. We include Friends from all branches of our international Quaker family. We...

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Resource Library

Resource Library

The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find...

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Membership Payment Options

Membership Payment Options

Online: on PayPal with your credit or debit card or your PayPal account, click here and then click the donate button in the middle of the page.  By check or money order mailed to: QREC Membership  C/O Liz Yeats, Treasurer 904 E Meadowmere Lane ...

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QREC Membership Invitation The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) nurtures the work of religious education across all branches of the Religious Society of Friends. We believe religious education is integral for life-long spiritual growth,...

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Virtual Listening Party!

Virtual Listening Party!

  This summer, you are invited to help the Quaker RE Collaborative (QREC) take stock of our work, service, and ministry. Our intention is for a broad listening before we convene at Quaker Hill, August 18-20, 2017. The QREC Steering Circle is reaching out to...

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Quaker Affirmation Curriculum for Grades 6-9

Quaker Affirmation Curriculum for Grades 6-9

From Indianapolis First Friends: "Quaker Affirmation Curriculum"  "A curriculum envisioned, created, and developed as a way to guide and educate young Friends in their Quaker faith, similar to Confirmation Classes or Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies found...

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FWCC-QuakerSpeak Curricula

Celebrate our World Family of Friends! QREC has partnered with Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) to create materials to accompany five FWCC-QuakerSpeak videos being released in 2016-17.  The short videos are wonderful places to begin an...

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