Join these listening circles to explore children’s participation in Quaker Meeting for Worship. These conversations will support a Friend’s seminary research from which will emerge a guide for how to be an intergenerational spiritual community and how to encourage reciprocity across generations.
Teacher Training, Religious Education Resources
Faith & Play: Stories of Quaker faith, practice, and witness for Friends
Join this conversation to explore Faith & Play™: Stories of Quaker faith, practice and witness told in the manner of Godly Play® The conversation on Thursday will be simultaneously interpreted into Spanish
Sparkling Still: A Core Quaker Curriculum for Ages 3-8
Join this conversation to learn about Sparkling Still, the core Quaker curriculum for ages 3-8 based on children’s picture books.
QREC 2022 Annual Conference August 12-14: Finding Our Footing on the Path Ahead
Join the QREC 2022 Annual Conference! In-person in Hickory NC, and online around the Quaker world. Explore how to strengthen and revitalize your local Quaker RE community of practice. Connect in Spirit-filled community with other Quaker religious educators.
Preparation, Formation and Belonging: New Growth through RE Roots
A call to re-envision how we invite children and youth into spiritual community and nurture Quaker identity. This is a reprise of the QREC 2021 conference keynote presentation.
Afirmación cuáquera: un curso de estudio para jóvenes amigos
"CURRÍCULO VISTO, CREADO Y DESARROLLADO como una forma de guiar y educar a los Amigos jóvenes en su fe cuáquera, similar a las Clases de Confirmación o los estudios de Bar / Bat Mitzvá que se encuentran en otras religiones. Para cualquier reunión o iglesia cuáquera,...
QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources
A rich collection of useful websites with curricula and learning materials from many different yearly meetings, Quaker organizations and other educational organizations for teaching all ages. Please use the comment section below to suggest other websites that should...
Video Conferencing with Under 18’s, Britain Yearly Meeting
There are times that you may want to consider virtual meetings with your children's or teenage meeting, with your youth group or as an all age meeting. This policy from Britain Yearly Meeting offers advice on safe online meetings. Download the guidelines Video...
Child Safety for Virtual Youth Programs, New England Yearly Meeting
New England Yearly Meeting's (NEYM) Child Safety Policy applies to all youth programming, including programs provided virtually. The following are specific to the use of Zoom or worth highlighting: Youth Programs Zoom meeting links will be shared with appropriate...
Guidelines for Virtual Meetings, Northern Yearly Meeting
The Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM — located in the upper midwest USA) Children and Youth Committee has considered best practices and recommendations related to virtual meetings involving youth. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to widespread use of virtual technologies for...
Guidance and Practices for Online Youth Gatherings, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Meetings to hold Religious Education on virtual platforms. Even though we are not together face to face, child safety remains a concern. The following guidance for online child safety was developed by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting...
Planning Calendar for First Day School 2020/2021
Building a curriculum plan or “road map” of topics and lessons for the year ahead allows you to gather inspiration, season ideas, seek out adults to teach, and present First Day plans to families. Connecting the themes of lessons from one week to the next gives your...
Settling Routine
We use this settling routine from Ann Arbor (MI) Friends Meeting with all our kids, sometimes omitting a line or two. It's important to have chairs an appropriate height for all children so their toes can touch the floor. Sitting on the floor with knees bent and feet...
Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting
This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...
Quakers Engaging with Schools: Outreach with children and young people
"A core aspect of most Religious Education (RE) curriculums involves finding out about faith communities and religious buildings. As a result, local schools often want to visit Quaker meeting houses to find out about our worship, our history and our way of life, as...
Child and Staff Safety Training, Friends General Conference
Developed for Friends General Conference (FGC) Gathering, this 20 minute video training, quiz and set of queries serves as a brief introduction to procedures for protecting children from abuse or neglect while participating in an FGC program. The website includes...
World Quaker Day Website
Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has relaunched the World Quaker Day Website to celebrate the 5th annual day of international Quaker celebration. We have updated the look and feel of the site and added more resources to help Friends plan their...
Earth Care for Children
This curriculum helps children walk gently over God's Earth through interactive and fun activities. Young Friends experience the Earth as our home, see how we share our home with God's creatures, and learn how we can behave in caring ways for our world. Quaker...
An Easter Story for Friends
A story about the power of God's love Each spring, as Easter approaches, we see new life all around us. This story of the symbolic transformation from winter to spring, is adapted for Friends from the Godly Play® story The Mystery of Easter* and work by the Faith...
Quaker Affirmation: A Course of Study for Young Friends
"A curriculum envisioned, created, and developed as a way to guide and educate young Friends in their Quaker faith, similar to Confirmation Classes or Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies found in other faiths. For any Quaker Meeting or Church, the program is designed for middle...
The Complete Guide to Godly Play
From the Godly Play Foundation: "Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on...
Teaching the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) to Quaker Children
Eleven lessons on Old Testament men and women, including Jacob, Joseph and his brothers, Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David and Goliath, Amos, and Jonah. The introduction includes a general approach to teaching the Old Testament stories. Designed for unprogrammed Friends....
Teaching Children about Jesus — Part I
Nine lessons on the early Life of Jesus: The Gifts of the Magi, Jesus as a Boy, The Baptism of Jesus, Jesus in the Wilderness, The Calling and Mission of the Disciples, and The Parables of the Mustard Seed. There is an introductory chapter on "How to Teach Children...
Teaching Children about Jesus — Part II
This packet includes seven idea sheets which supplement and complete the materials in Teaching Children About Jesus, Part I. This second set of Seeds includes material on the miracles, Palm Sunday, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Road to Emmaus, and Pentecost...